Breakfast and a plan

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I clutch my necklace to my heart smiling slightly at hearing Harry's voice. The door opens followed by a low chuckle "Now that's a look I ain't seen in a long time." I look up at Baze confused and he chuckles "Can see it in your eyes, I'm guessing the owner of the other half is more than a friend." I nod "Yea." I hand him the paper with the potion written on it "That what you needed?" he nods "Thanks," smiling he tucks it into his pocket "I promise you'll see your pirate again."

We walk towards the dinning room and I slide into a seat next to Lonnie "You okay?" I nod "Just looking forward to having everyone back." she nods and Baze sits at the head of the table dad opposite Lonnie and me as food appears on the table "Now that we have the truth potion we can convince the council that I am to blame for everything and take full responsibility. Hopefully that will help sway them into letting the children back of the Isle."

Lonnie smiles brightly "Well every family on the council gets a say which means we have three votes already. My mother, Queen Merida and Ben. Also Jane was close with all the Isle kids so fairy godmother will likely say yes as well." I nod and Dad grins "How exactly are we going to explain my disappearance?" I bite my lip slightly "The only people who know outside our family and Audrey's are Fairy godmother, Lonnie, Beast and Belle." he chuckles "Well that's a lot easier. I'll leave tomorrow and explain everything to Merida."

Baze grins "I'll get cracking on this potion. Y/N, Lonnie you should both return to school as soon as possible." we both nod and he leans back in his chair "Now that's all sorted, do you have any questions?" I snort "Just a couple, first of all. Dad, why did you run away and how come it took you both so long to realize you where brothers?" he sighs "I ran because our parents," he glances at Baze "Were not nice people. They were true villeins and delighted in the suffering of others. Baze actually helped me leave, even at a young age I knew I didn't want any part in what ever they did to people. So I ran in the night, absolutely terrified but I made it to a large manor house where a kindly couple took me in and I became Robin Loxely then Robin Hood."

Baze grins hitting him on the shoulder "Realized he was really Corbin when I found the old family portraits in the attack. We talked and he made me realize how much I missed having a family and that it was possible to change." Lonnie smiles "That's really sweet." I nod "Okay next question, how come you don't have magic but Baze does?" Dad chuckles "I have a little, just heightened senses hearing and sight mostly. Our mother was the one blessed with magic, our father had none. I seem to remember Baze spent most of his time in the library studying and learning."

He shrugs "Father didn't exactly encourage painting." I smile brightly "Your an artist?" he nods slightly and dad grins "You still draw?" Lonnie laughs "She never stops." We finish eating and Baze claps dad on the shoulder "You should be getting back to your wife, I've kept you away far to long." he nods smiling broadly, I stand hugging him tightly "I'll see you soon Dad." he kisses my forehead "I'll call as soon as I talk to your mother." 

We pull apart and I kiss his cheek before he leaves "You two should be getting back to school. How did you get here?" I grin "Drove on my bike." he nods and offers out his hand which I shake "I'll get you your pirate back I promise." He shakes Lonnie's hand and we both gather our things walking towards the front door "We have a lot to tell Ben." I laugh nodding "I'm still trying to process it all myself." she throws an arm around my shoulders "I think everything is going to be just fine." 

The gates open for us and we take one last look at the house before climbing onto the bike and heading back to Auradon Prep.

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