TFW x Reader #1

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Imagine Sam, Dean, and Cas brightening your day after a horrible school day

School is already horrible, but somehow living with the Winchesters only made school so much worse. You didn't like to participate too much in class despite the fact you actually have one teacher who is basically amazing. And so everyday you had lunch with your teacher and would play music through the smart board, unless it was a Friday - then you watched whatever you wanted on Netflix.

But today wasn't Friday (in fact your teacher wasn't even in school today) and nothing seemed to be going your way. In the hallway you saw your crush wave to you but that only confused you since most of the time you had to go straight up to your crush and hug said person. You also knew you couldn't get close to anyone if you wanted to be a hunter. Lost in your thoughts one of the upperclassmen or maybe it was a one of the younger students - you were small so everyone looked upperclass to you - shoved into you knocking all your books and papers to the floor. Sighing you get on your knees and pick everything up by yourself and proceed to be late to your most dreaded class. After that it was break and you decided to go call Dean and Sam, only to have your phone taken.
"Hey give that back!"
"Woah the freak speaks!" You just rolled your eyes at this.
"Can I please have my phone back?"
"Sure just give a kiss." The jerk 'reasoned' as he invaded your personal space. Before you knew it you were holding your fist in front of him - ready to punch him when you got zapped back to the bunker.
"Everything ok (y/n)?" You simply shrug your shoulders as you go to your room not wanting to talk about school. When Dean and Sam arrived at the bunker you were at the table doing your homework and looking something up on your computer.
"How's school (y/n)?" Dean greeted you. You were proud of the relationship you had with Dean and Sam. They were like your brothers and the thought made you smile.
"Why? What happened?"
"....want to be more specific? Sammy and I aren't caught up on Teen" Dean teased causing you to lose it.
"You're all the same! You care about cars, food, and who has sex with the most girls! Why can't there be one of you that actually has a heart - and a brain" you exclaimed as you slammed your laptop shut and ran upstairs to your room.
"Great job Dean" Sam commented as he made his way upstairs and with a knock enter your room.
"So is it just the male population that's bothering you or is it something else?"
"Why do I have to go to school? Why can't I stay here and be homeschooled or something?"
"What do they call you?"
"How do you know they call me something?"
"Because they called me something when I was in school."
"Take a guess" you responded miserably.
"Freak? How original." Sam answered and then getting an idea picked you up and spun you around before running down the stairs (so you thought you would go flying) and putting you down at the table. Dean came back into the room with your favorite meal and after that the four of you played Just Dance and watched the new Agents of Shield when it came on. Cas intrigued by the show.
"So they are like hunters?"
"Ssshhh Cas, I'll explain it later" you answered feeling much better.

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