Bal+Gabe+Luci - Brothers

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((I'm back! Sorry for disappearing but things were super busy. Anyways hope you enjoy this and please request!!!))

Lucifer laid on the grass as he took in his surroundings. It was a nice day in the part of heaven he was in. And while most of his brothers and sisters were busy working he wasn't. Hey after all his vessel was only about 13 and the last thing any 13 year old really wants to do is work. A squeal of laughter emerged causing Lucifer to rejoin reality to see his little brother Balthazar run and pounce on him.
"Gotcha" the 10 year old exclaimed triumphantly and Lucifer couldn't help to notice how strong Balthazar's accent was. He often wondered about why Balthazar was the only angel with an accent but he knew better then to ever bring it up. Besides he quite liked the accent.
"Really now" Lucifer teased as he started to play wrestle with his brother. The two played like this for a while before finally stopping at Gabriel arriving and at once looking somewhat concern for Balthazar's safety knowing how much powerful lucifer is. Not that lucifer would ever intentionally hurt him. But still this was Balthazar.
"Guys knock it off" the twelve year old told his brothers in a light hearted manner. Not wanting to ruin their fun or get them in trouble but wanting Balthazar to be safe. The two brothers exchanged a look before tackling Gabriel to the ground in a dog pile.
"C'mon Gabe you gotta least try" Balthazar stated as if this was obvious while lucifer and Gabriel decided to ignore their little brother and have a conversation instead.
"Why aren't you with Mikey helping?"
"Michael is a control freak I'm doing him a favor. Why aren't you helping" lucifer shot back.
"I am. I was told to watch bal."
"Some job you're doing seeing as he was with me alone for like almost half an hour."
"A) it wasn't that long and b) he's as mischievous as us you know that" Gabriel retorted back before noticing Balthazar was missing.
"Balthazar" Gabe called out worried, and now lucifer was looking around for their brother as well just as worried.


Balthazar felt his body go stiff in panic as he heard his name being called in the distance. Least it sounded that way. He went to open his mouth to call out for his brothers only to choke and now have his throat burning as he gasped violently. His eyes stung as well he realized and that was the last thing he was aware of as he fell unconscious underwater. He had lost his balance getting off his brothers and had fallen into the lake behind them.
A flash of bright light emerged from Balthazar as his brothers pulled him out of the lake having had finally realize what happened. They weren't prepared for the 'light' which was actually grace the knocked lucifer off his feet. Gabriel who was awkwardly holding Bal swayed on his feet a little but was able to keep himself upright. Carefully he healed bal and sat on the grass. Lucifer walked over as Bal opened his eyes causing lucifer to get hit by some grace again.
"Stop that" lucifer grumbled as he finally managed to sit next to Gabe. Balthazar however looked completely shock at what he had done.
"I'm not doing it" he explained fearfully and at once both brothers seemed to realize what had happened. They had learned that it's possible for an angel to lose control of their grace when they got hurt enough or something along the lines of drowning both mused not really remembering the lesson completely. Bal kicked lucifer not liking being ignored by the two of them and both brothers put on a smile for bal.
"Hey how bout we go prank Mikey" lucifer suggested with wide eyes causing bal to beam.
"Let's go I know exactly where he is" Gabriel added playing along with Lucifer's story he had created. Truth be told they weren't going to bother Michael. No, they were going to make Balthazar a special necklace for him to wear to control his grace from now on.


Balthazar fiddle with his necklace slumped on the couch in the bunker only half listening to what you, Gabe, Cas, Sam, and Dean were talking about. He knew it had something to do with Lucifer and it pained him to think of how he had lost one of his older brothers. Balthazar was only close to Lucifer and Gabe and then Cas once he came around. The rest of heaven could bite him as far as he was concern. And now here he was suppose to be coming up with a plan to kill Lucifer.
"Earth to Balthazar. Can you hear us" your voice emerges snapping Bal out of his thoughts.
"Sorry love" bal lamely apologizes as you give him a concern look which he just ignores by straightening himself out on the couch and kicking Gabe a little in the process. Gabe who seemed to be fine to you up until now froze at this little interaction as if it brought back some sort of memory. You noticed how Gabe looked at Bal and gave his head a quick little shake before looking back at you.
"Cas what's wrong with your brothers" Dean asked tired of beating around the bush and pretending like they didn't notice their strange behavior and zoning out. Cas frowned and looked at his lap.
"My guess would be the subject of Lucifer is what is upsetting them. The three were rather close in their youth" Cas answered choosing to ignore the looks Gabe and Bal gave him. You simply frowned at this news as you walked over to sit on the floor in front of the two brothers causing both of them to look at you curiously. You waited a moment before giving them a small smile as you booped their noses.
"Hey it'll be ok" you assured although you knew that wasn't true. They had lost their brother. And now they had to possibly kill him for what he has become and done. This was a case after all.

((Comment if you want a part 2 of this imagine/one shot thingy. It's longer than I intended it on being so I don't want to continue with this unless you guys want to read it. And make sure to leave requests! Hope you enjoyed))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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