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How you two met
Sam - it was a nice fall day and you were at the library curled up comfortably reading (fav. book) when you heard quiet footsteps breaking the complete silence that had fallen. Looking up you saw a handsome tall man with long hair and covered in flannel that you didn't recognize. Being the librarian's kid however this was unusual for you, because you basically knew everyone in your small town. Your book completely forgotten about now, as you watched as he searched the shelves stacked with books. You notice the smile that creep on to his face when he scanned the law books before the smile disappeared as he took a book about some ancient lore off the shelf. You walked over then.
"Hello I'm (y/n). My parents uh own an work the library" you explained not wanting to sound stalkerish.
"I'm Sam. Sam Winchester" Sam responded his eyes wide.

Gabriel - you met him out to dinner on a Friday night, he really had you working up an appetite. He had tattoos up and down his arms - there's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm.  Just kidding! And for those of you wondering that was Candyman by the way. This is how you really met him.
Gabriel had always been your best friend. Over the years, however, you started to develop feelings for him - not that you would ever admit that. Your friendship meant to much and the thought of ruining it over some feelings was too much to bare. It wasn't until Michael came to you and announced that Gabriel seem to just have vanished and was likely dead, that you regretted never telling him the truth. That being said when you discovered Gabriel was still alive but in hiding you at once appeared to him and confessed everything to him.
"I - I didn't know how to tell you... I didn't want to jeopardize our -" you were cut off by soft, sweet lips on yours. Closing your eyes you kissed him back happily.

Balthazar - college was more or less hell. One good thing, however was on weekends the college provided transportation to shows, the library, the zoo, museums, etc. currently you walk through an exhibit at the museum only paying half attention. A couple feet ahead of you was a tall blond who seem to be scanning the place. Yes you're at a museum. Yes people tend to scan the exhibits at museum. However this you knew was trouble. You followed the stranger's gaze and saw he was looking at the security cameras and exits.
"Excuse me" you heard yourself say as you tried to figure out when and why you had approach this guy.
"Huh? Oh hello there love" the guy greeted in a British accent causing your heart to melt. Not only is he cute but he's British - and probably a thief... You had to remind yourself.
"You seem lost. Everything ok?"
"I don't see how that's any of your concern."
"Well maybe I work here. Or maybe I'm just a concern college student."
"I have no doubt you're a college student. No offense love. As for the concern part the question should really be are you concern about me or my motives?" At this you looked at your shoes not knowing how to respond. If your hunch was correct this guy just confessed he's planning on doing something bad here.
"...are you a murderer?"
"No" the stranger assured you with a smile. You study him closer and notice how he looked more relax now to.
"Thief" you concluded taking a step or two back.
"Yes. Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you love"
"You're a criminal" you practically whispered as you step closer to him again.
"Eh, however there's two sides to every story. Isn't there?"
"'re stealing something back. Something that belongs to you."
"No, I'm stealing something back that's dangerous."
"If it's dangerous why did you ever have it?"
"Well that's the exciting part now isn't it love? You get to find out for yourself since you're going to help me."
"I don't even know you let alone -"
"Name's Balthazar. You are?"
"(Y/n)" you responded finally giving in, Balthazar smiled at you and you gave him a smug grin back. 

Imagine (SuperNatural)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن