Dean + Sam + Bal + Toddler!Reader

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Dean stretched his legs as he relaxed on the couch enjoying the peace and quiet that had fallen throughout the bunker.
"Dweeennnn" a voice scream breaking the silence making Dean groan as he looked over his shoulder to see (y/n) standing at the top of the stairs holding her blanket close to her chest.
"C'mon kiddo you can do it. You can go down the stairs by yourself" Dean encouraged her only to get no response at first.
"...swary" you respond back quietly. Dean sighed as he gave in and went and carried you down the stairs. It was partly his fault that you were scared to go down them. He had step on your blanket one time causing you to lose your balance and fall. In his offense though he was still getting use to having a toddler around.
"This is why we don't like witches. They make us little."
"Dween big" you exclaim cutely as you looked up at him with wide eyes. Dean rolled his eyes and put Paw Patrol on for you to watch.
"There's my princess" Balthazar's voice emerged as he enter the room followed by Sam, you at once climbed off Dean's lap and ran to hug Bal. Bal gladly picked you up and started to tickle you while Sam spoke.
"We still haven't found anything on how to turn her back. How bout you?"
"Nothing. Nothing research wise and nothing when it comes to peace either" Dean grumble causing Bal to become defensive.
"Well pardon (y/n) for being turned into a two year old. I'm sure that was high up on her list to do along with fall down a flight of stairs!"
"Oh can it will you? You're only hanging around now to make up for what a sucky job you did the first time" Dean snapped back. The two of them continued at it as you cried - not that anyone notice. Sam was too busy trying to keep Dean and Bal from killing each other to notice that you were upset. Having manage to free yourself from Bal's arms - still unnoticed - you toddle into one of the rooms and hide in the corner clutching your blanket your face bright red and shiny. You could still hear them shouting though it was muffled now and then footsteps. You tilted your head at the new sound and very timidly look up to see Sam enter the room and lay down in front of you so you were eye level.
"Sssshhhh (y/n) it's ok. It'll be ok. Dean and Bal are just stress and scared" Sam tried to explain although he knew it was more serious than that. You just continued to cry. Sam sighed and decided to focus on trying to calm you first before continuing on explaining. Easier said then done.
Slam! You and Sam both became taken aback at hearing the door being slammed so hard. Worse was not knowing who had left and why. If it was Dean it was probably just to clear his head - take a break. But Balthazar....
Sam left the room at the uneasy thought and made his way back into the living room.
"Guys" Sam called out as he looked around what appeared to be an empty room. "Guys c'mon this isn't - (y/n) heard all of this! What you two did you're both wrong so just come out here and -" Sam stop mid thought at hearing a sob. Turning around he noticed a pile of feathers in the corner of the room. Hesitantly Sam walk towards the pile only to hurry over at realizing its Balthazar. His wings hiding his body from everyone - no not everyone (y/n).
"She's not here Balthazar" Sam whisper gently causing Balthazar to move his wings an inch so just his eyes are visible. Sam continued.
"Balthazar what happened after I left the room? Why are you hiding? Balthazar speak!"
"....I - I just am" Bal lamely responded not wanting to tell what had happened.
"Did Dean leave? I heard the door slam."
"Then he's not here so you can tell me. Are you hurt?"
"I'm an angel we don't -"
"You're hurt. Let me see" Sam cut the angel off finally getting him to cave in and come out from hiding behind his wings. Sam winced at the sight. Balthazar was bleeding - his tears mixing with his blood - and now that Sam could really see the angel's eyes his eyes were a little criss-cross.
"Dean did this?"
"Some of it" bal mumble sheepishly.
"...why would you do this to yourself" Sam ask stun as he examined the injuries.
"C-cause.... Cause Dean is right. Wh-what I'm doing...."
"Balthazar" Sam responded his voice filled with pity for the beaten angel. "No he wasn't. You were a kid yourself last time. You had no clue what you were suppose to do and if you were doing it right or not. You can't blame yourself for the past. And you can't beat yourself up over it either. I have a frighten two year old in the other room that really wants her brother. So question now - for this moment in time - is what her brother is going to do."
"Ask Dean" Bal mumble his head bowed in defeat.
"But I'm asking you. (Y/n) wants you. Not Dean" Sam argued only to get back on his feet. "I'm going to go take care of (y/n) since I seem to be the only that can take care of her" and with that Sam left the room.

Time skip

You lay curl up in a ball fast asleep under the blanket while Balthazar sat at the foot of the bed staring at you. Was Dean right or was Sam right? Why did he even care what they thought of him? After all Dean wasn't mr. Perfect either as a kid and (y/n) never seemed mad at him for what he had done in the past. Balthazar let out a sigh and laid down. He was thinking too much about this. About the past. He needs to get his priorities straighten out and be here now for (y/n).
"Ba" (y/n) call out sleepily all of a sudden as she woke up and crawled onto Balthazar's chest.
"Hey princess. You have a good nap?"
"Yep" you respond happily with a nod of your head. Balthazar smile at this and wrapped his arms around you protectively. Yeah he's not perfect but that's no excuse for him to give up.

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