Dean x Reader #1

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Imagine Dean teaching you how to drive

((This is inspired by a RP I'm doing with a friend))

Seatbelt? Check. Metallica playing instead of your music? Check. Dean ready to teach you to drive the impala? To be checked off at a later time.
"C'mon Dean I can do this. You know it. I got a permit and everything." You reason as Dean continues to hide the keys from you.
"I know but baby - well baby is special and -"
"And you don't even let Sam drive the impala. I get it." You finish for Dean, annoyance evident in your voice.
"Fine. But you are to do everything as I say."
"Since when did a driving lesson become a dictatorship?" You mumble under your breath causing Dean to give you a 'this is serious (y/n)' look. Sighing you cave in only to feel relieved when Dean finally gives you the key.
"Now baby is temperamental. She doesn't like others driving her and you can't force her to do something" Dean begins causing you to laugh.
"Nothing, it's all guys do this?"
"Do what?"
"Call their car a 'she' and give it a pet name." Again Dean glares at you but this time you just continue to laugh.
"You're not going to me I have to talk to the car are you?" You tease a little before becoming serious again.
"Now your foot is on the break. Turn the - that's it. Alright now don't take your foot off the break - put her into drive. That's it. Now....slowly ease your foot off the break." Dean practically breathes down your neck as you do all of it, just a tad nervous that you're going to mess up due to the fact this is the first time you ever driven a car and - you close your eyes as the car swerves only to come to a stop.
" almost crash my car" Dean kept repeating and as you opened your eyes it finally dawned on you that Dean had swerve the car to keep you from crashing.
"...I - I'm so -"
"Are you ok?" Dean cuts you off, as if your voice had triggered something in his head.
"Yeah...yep...uh I think I'll take a rain check on the next lesson."
"Yeah I think that may be a... Good idea to."

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