Cas X Reader X Sam

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((The continue on of the love story I started as just a Cas X Reader imagine)). Imagine secretly dating both Sam and Cas.

You smiled as Castiel gave you a kiss on your cheek, before disappearing back to Heaven. Sure you were positive that this was wrong and someone was going to get hurt, but at the same time you knew you were too far into this to get out now. Your smile faded and letting out a soft sigh you walked inside the bunker to see Dean waiting for you.
"Hey (y/n) how was the date?"
"Why do you care?" You ask a little suspicious. Dean shrugs his shoulders at the comment however and simply responds with a smirk,
"I thought you thought of me as your brother. Isn't that what older brothers do? Tease their little sis 'bout their first date?" No, don't say that. Saying that implies I think of Sam as my brother too, you respond internally.
"Yeah, I guess that's what they do."
"So... Gonna tell me how it was then?"
"Um, nice. ...he took me to a nice restaurant - nothing too fancy - and then took me back here."
"Pathetic" Dean laughs, thinking nothing romantic happened between the two of you.
"It - drop it." You answer at hearing footsteps come downstairs.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just don't want to make it awkward for -"
"For Sam, I gotcha." No, no you don't, the voice in your head once again responds. A hug had you come out of your thoughts to realize Sam was hugging you - and you hugging him back.
"Miss me?" You try to make it sound like your teasing him only to realize it just makes things a whole lot worse.
"Course. I always miss you (y/n). I really wished I could've gone to see that show with you tonight. I know how much you love The Phantom of the Opera."
"It's ok, I know how important this case is - um...I'm gonna go change. It's really uncomfortable wearing heels." And so far that was the most honest thing you had told him.
Later that night, once you were in your pjs, you were surprised to see Dean enter your room and close the door behind him. You noticed he wore a serious look on his face and feeling your stomach drop about a 100 feet, you knew what was coming.
"What you're doing is sickening (y/n). You do know that right?!"
"Dean please! You gotta believe me when I tell you I never meant for any of this to happen. ... Look Sam kissed me when he came to help me get ready for my date with Castiel."
"And you still went out with Cas. And lied to the both of them. My best friend and brother both think they're dating you. That you're in love with them!"
"I am! I mean...I - I don't know Dean. Look please don't tell. I don't want their feelings getting hurt."
"You have by the end of the week to tell them or I will."
"But it's already Tuesday!" You scream after Dean as he leaves you to your guilty thoughts.

Imagine (SuperNatural)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora