Gabriel + Balthazar + Reader - Prank Wars #1

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((So this is not a ship imagine this is just pure humor, fluff - all that fun stuff))

It was that time of the year again. The time of the year where even Dean and Sam got scared and would rather fight the worse monster in the world than be anywhere near you. That's right, it was the annual prank war between you and Gabriel only this year there was a newcomer to the war and that's why you and Gabriel currently stood in the middle of the Bunker's living room, tugging at the British angel's arms.
"You don't need him" you exclaimed trying to make Gabriel see reason.
"He's my brother" Gabriel retorted back.
"Yeah but you're an archangel and a trickster, I'm just a human. So it would even out the playing field."
"She does have a point there" Balthazar chimed in not that you two were paying attention to him anyway.
"Get Cas to help you than."
"Cas is useless when it comes to anything modern!" Cas who happened to be in the room looked away at this response causing you to feel a little guilty. "Sorry Cas."
"It is quite alright (y/n)" Cas responded not wanting you to feel bad and with a flutter of his wings disappeared.
"You hurt his feelings" Gabriel exclaimed as if this proved why Balthazar should be on his team and not yours.
"And you killed Dean like a 100 times in one day" you shot right back at him.
" much as I appreciate the attention my wings are attached to me and you two yanking me isn't exactly a pleasant feeling" Balthazar tried again only to continue to be ignored.
"You don't even want him on your team cause he's your brother. You just know you'll win with double angel mojo"
"GUYS" Sam screamed causing both you and Gabriel to look at him.
"Yeah" you respond in unison.
"In case it escape your notice - Balthazar is in pain from you two playing tug-o-war with him!" confusion came over the two of you for a moment before realization struck at the same time and you both let go of him.

"Balthazar - oh my god - are you ok" You asked the hunch over angel.

"Peachy darling" he mumbled as he now tried to push a concern Gabriel off him. "Gabe seriously I'm good. Now after being made into a rag doll I only find it fair that I choose." You and Gabe exchange a look and nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough."

"So who is it baby bro? Me or (y/n)?"

"I haven't decided yet. I want to watch you guys do a round and then I'll decide" Balthazar explained and so you and Gabriel took that as your sign to let the prank war begin.

You sat on your bed finishing the plan for your prank when you heard a flutter of wings and looked up to be taken aback at seeing Balthazar in your room.


"Quiet love, I don't want Gabe to know I'm here." Your eyes widen at this as Balthazar walked over and sat down next to you.

"Why" you whispered forgetting all about your plan.

"I lied back there darling. I want to be on your team I just didn't know how to tell Gabe. After all Gabe is the one who taught me how to prank - I'm sure you understand."

"Uh yeah no I get it. It's just I already planed the prank..."

"Oh. Well perhaps I can help you set up this one?" Hesitantly you showed him your plan and explain everything to him making sure to answer his questions about the prank and all that.

~~~Gabriel's side~~~

Gabriel was proud to say that this prank was going to be one of his best yet, thank you very much. Normally he wouldn't put too much effort into the first prank to give (y/n) a chance but this time it was a matter of getting Balthazar on his team. Despite whatever (y/n) said he didn't want Balthazar for his powers that was just an added bonus. No he had taught Balthazar the pranking ways. Balthazar was one of his favorite brothers - if he had to choose. Gabriel's thoughts were cut off by the arrival of aid angel.

Imagine (SuperNatural)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora