Charlie x Reader #1

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Imagine playing Dance Dance Revolution with Charlie

You and Charlie were in awe. The two of you had manage to find an arcade where it was five dollars a person for an hour. Since you two were together you only had to pay ten dollars for two hours of completely free arcade games and the good ones to. The arcade game you two currently made your way over to is a Dance Dance Revolution machine. You guys looked at the song list looking for a good song or a song the two of you can agree on. Finally you find We Will Rock You and upon agreeing on that the song starts.

Charlie rock at the game to no one's surprise. Meanwhile you were confused. You were hitting the right arrows at the right time but the game didn't always register it. In fact the game seem to like to give you more misses than you actually deserved.
"Wanna play again" Charlie asks after the song ends and the two of you stare at your highest streak. You thought about it for a moment before grinning.
"You're on Queen C" you answer finally as the two of you look for your next song to dance to.

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