Gabriel + Balthazar x Reader #1

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((Hello hello hello (how many of you read that in Lin's voice?) I am back and gonna be updating like crazy! Hope you enjoy))

"Hey (y/n), are you ok" Sam asked his voice filled with concern as he sat down next to you on your bed and looked at you. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying and lack of sleep and your mind was filled with 'what ifs' and worse case scenarios. In short you were anything but ok.
"Damnit Sam! I said I'm fine" you exclaimed as your voice broke and you buried your face in your adopted older brother's shirt.
"Ssshhh it'll be ok (y/n). It's ok." Sam's assurance however was useless seeing as you were now trying to figure out how this all went horribly wrong.

~~~Flashback to three days ago~~~

You laughed as you continued to be tickled to death. You had finally given up on squirming your way out of the British angel's grip seeing as he is an angel and therefore stronger than you.
"Bal-Bal stop it" you laughed as Dean enter the room.
"Three...two..." Dean didn't even have to get to one this time. Balthazar at once got off of you remembering last time with a shudder.
"My savior" you teased as you rolled your eyes and got up. Dean just glared at you and practically dragged you to a angel free room.
"What are you doing with him?" Oh god not this again.
"I thought I told you-"
"No boyfriends especially Angels. Can I go now?" In all honesty you didn't have any of those feelings towards the angel you two were just friends. Close friends in fact but that was all it was - Dean was just fulfilling his job as eldest brother of being over protective. Right?
"He's an angel."
"He's a friend."
"It's true!"
"Than if he's just a friend you can hang out with your other friends for once. Sure they miss you."
"I don't have any friends" you started only to see Dean's triumph look as he left the room. "I hate you" you screamed after him before leaving the room as well.

You had decided to take a walk when you noticed a Jack Russell come running over to you and pawing your legs. Laughing you sat down on your knees - on the grass - and petted the over excited puppy.

"Heh someone's a happy puppy" you laughed as the puppy licked you.

"Yeah he is" a voice you automatically recognized spoke as you looked up and felt your heart wrench at seeing Gabriel.

"I thought you had died" you screamed your voice breaking as you stood up.

"(y/n) let me explain..."

"N-no" you respond not able to deal with all the pain again. It was all too much and then there was Balthazar on top of that. You backed away from him only to have Gabe grab your wrist.

"Please (y/n). I....I've missed you - a lot. (Y/n) I love you."

That night you ran into Sam's room hoping for him to give you advice only to find he wasn't in there and then you remembered he had left with Dean to go on a hunt. Breaking down you sat on the floor and allowed yourself to cry, not noticing the comforting hand on your shoulder.

"Love" Balthazar asked concern only to get no response so thinking this was like the past couple nights he had found you like this he gently kissed your lips. And that's where you messed up. Needing some form of comfort you lost control of yourself and put everything into the kiss causing things to escalate because the real truth was you had had an angel boyfriend and he had 'died'.

Then Balthazar appeared and even though you deny the fact you were dating him to everyone including yourself you knew you couldn't fight how you truly felt about him.

But you still loved Gabriel as well.

~~~Back to the present~~~

"(Y/n) you can still fix this" Sam gently pressed.

"I...I k-know."

"You just need to choose one of them and explain to the both of them."

Well if that's all I have to do you thought to yourself sarcastically as you got up from your bed and started to pace. Gabriel had been your first love. His love for pranks, candy, how he could always find the fun in life, and how he cared. Yes Dean and Sam obviously care about you and would die multiple times for you but with Gabriel it had been a different care. It had been keeping you company when your brothers went away, comforting you after a really bad nightmare, understanding you and your past and why you acted the way you did. It was more than Dean or Sam could give you. And hell was it wonderful but Gabriel also had his faults. Most of them you were able to overlook like his past and how he could be pushy or manipulative. However, what you couldn't forgive was how he had killed Dean multiple times to prove a point, how he sometimes lied to you despite the whole 'angels can't lie' thing, and on top of the list not telling you he was alive. That he hadn't really died. You still hadn't forgiven Sherlock for pulling that on Watson - why would you be quick to forgive Gabe? Plus having seen him again brought so much pain because you remember what it felt like the first time. The first time you got close to him and the first time you lost him.

Balthazar was a completely different story.

Balthazar had showed up after Gabe died and due to him being close with his brother he was also hurt by the loss like you. That's how you two became friends by seeking each other as a way to cope with the loss and then when you two were able to get past all the pain you had a bond that no one could replace. He knew how to cheer you up when you were down and you were the only one that saw the sensitive side to him and therefore he only allowed himself to show his true feelings around you. Everything was going fine until recently when you guys had started to date. You had made it really clear to Balthazar you wanted to keep things slow and he accepted that so the most romantic you got was snuggling during movie nights and the occasional good night kiss but nonetheless you loved him. It was just a matter of time.

"(Y/n)? You still with me" Sam's voice emerged bringing you back to reality.


((THAT'S RIGHT I'M BEING EVIL AND LEAVING IT ON A CLIFFHANGER! I really hope you like this and please comment if you would like a part two! Still taking Requests as always!))

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