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Christmas Time

Dean - One of the few things Dean loves most in the world is your happiness and you always became joyful at Christmastime. You love everything about and associated with Christmas. The songs, snow, cozy fires, Christmas lights, family time, presents - all of it! Dean knew this fact and Dean also knew that somehow you still manage to believe in Santa and so every Christmas he makes sure to keep the spirit alive. It looks something like this.
Take a walk in the snow, warm up by the fire and have Sam take (y/n) to go Christmas shopping while he gets ready. By the time they're home everything is done except for one thing. At night Dean waits till you're asleep and gives your forehead a light kiss like always than he quietly gets out of bed and changes into a Santa suit in case you wake up. He does the gifts first and then goes outside and makes it look like reindeer have been having one hell of a party while waiting for Santa. He comes back to have the snack change back into his pjs and slip into bed.

Sam - sam isn't big on holidays and this has always bugged you.
"Look Sam we can be the beast and Belle for Halloween!"
"Halloween? (Y/n) you know I don't celebrate Halloween and besides I'll probably be doing a case."
"Hey Sam tomorrow is Thanksgiving."
"That's nice, I need to go back to my research now" and on and on it went. Dean always could tell how bum you would be so he would be the one to decide they were to celebrate no ifs ands or buts. And so sam grumpily celebrated except on Christmas. On Christmas he made sure everything was perfect and festive and Dean just smiled knowing he did one holiday right for his brother.

Cas - holidays are mandatory except for Halloween because of its association with witchcraft. You quickly made sure to change that rule to all holidays especially Halloween and Christmas are mandatory.

Luci - it's complicated.

Balthy - Bal is just as - if not more - fond of Christmas as you. Being the baby and then middle child bal really enjoy Christmas because everyone got along. The gift thing up in heaven wasn't too popular but he, Cassie, Gabe, and luci would always do a secret Santa for the four of them so they each got one gift. This made bal grow up to continue to only give one gift but have the gift be a very special meaningful gift and you are his one gift.

Gabe - Gabe is like Bal except he doesn't do the one gift thing he gets multiple gifts and makes sure everyone has gifts. He knows he may or may not get a gift back from Bal but he also knows that it isn't personal just how bal grew up. 

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