TFW x Reader #2

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((Yay WattPad is finally showing me how many reads each chapter has gotten and stuff! ^^ enjoy another Team FreeWill imagine))

Imagine going on a hunt with Team FreeWill

You sat at the table along with Dean and Cas while Sam read a case he had just came across.
"So what some vengeful spirit" you guessed not interested. You were trained by the Winchesters, you could recite lore, you were updated whenever a case was found, and let you had never gone on a case before. It was annoying!
"Yeah which is why we're letting you come" Sam responded gaining your interest.
"This is a just one thing so we're clear" Dean added causing you to roll your eyes.
"Wow I'm so glad all that training I had to go through is being put to use" you responded sarcastically. Cas frowned at you all of a sudden causing everyone to look at him.
"I do not understand. Why is (y/n) glad if (she/he) looks annoyed?"
"It's called sarcasm Cas" you moan. How is it Cas can go on hunts but not you?
"Alright that's enough. Let's get going" Sam intervened as everyone got up from the table and either went to wait in the impala or pack real quick. You looked around the room real quick as you opened the door to leave. All of a sudden you could hear Lance Hunter's voice from Agents of SHIELD saying 'Don't die out there'. A small smile creeped onto your face as you exited the house and got into the classic car.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"Get back in the circle" you screamed as the vengeful spirit came for its next victim. You could tell the idiot wasn't going to listen so grabbing some iron you jumped in front of the idiot and hit the ghost with the iron before blacking out.
"(Y/n)?" A voice greeted you as you woke up to find yourself on your bed, Sam looking at you with a worried expression.
"What happened?"
"You did it, the guy on the other hand... He uh, he thought you were going to attack him and so he knocked you out. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, nothing like a good ol' concussion to remember your first hunting trip" you laugh gaining more concern looks at that.
"Sure you're ok" Dean checked as you continued to laugh.
"Hey I didn't die out there did I?"
"No" the three responded in unison.
"Than I'm fine. Besides now you guys have to face your worst job let and take care of me" you added with a mischievous smirk. This was going to be fun.

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