Gabriel x Reader - Puppy!!!

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((Thanks for the request @AshleyJanssen0))

Imagine getting a puppy with Gabriel

"Oh Gabriellll" you sang gaining the archangel's attention.

"Well this isn't going to be good" Gabriel teased as he walked over to you and held you close to him. You giggled a little bit before continuing.

"Not true."

"(y/n), the only time you sing my name is when you want something."

"...maybe I want some affection." It was Gabriel's turn to laugh now as you tried your best not to glare at him. "Ok fine I want something" you finally admitted.


"But you want this as well." Well that got Gabriel's interest in the topic. 

"What do we want?"

"A puppy!"

Time Skip

You and Gabriel walked past various dogs of different breed, size, and color and still none of them you two had agreed on. The two of you were about to call it quits when you noticed a chocolate lab all alone, laying curled up in a ball in the corner.

"Gabriel look" you tell him softly as you point out the puppy. Gabriel smiled at seeing the dog and walked over with you.

"Hey there little guy" Gabriel spoke as he held his hand out causing the puppy to walk toward him hesitantly. 

"Gabe can we" you beg head over heels in love for the puppy, Gabriel simply nods as he picks up the puppy and thinks for a moment.

"(Y/n) say hello to Stormy." you smile and pet Stormy before standing on tiptoe so you could give Gabriel a kiss. Excited to start your little family, you and Gabriel took Stormy home to start your little family. 

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