Luci x Reader #1

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((Alright it's not letting me preview the songs I plan on using for this imagine to make sure it's the right version so the songs are High School Never Ends (original version) and Gives you Hell (American Rejects) if you don't know or want to play them while you read this))

Imagine Luci is your best friend and you two entering the school talent show

"Alright we should have a couple of hours to practice before Sam and Dean get back" you announced as you walked downstairs to where Lucifer - or Luci as you called him - sat with his drums and a microphone. You on the other hand were lead vocal and rocking the electric guitar. Thank Dean for that. Luci looked up at you.
"So what song are we doing?"
"That probably won't get us expelled" you clarify as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Uh...." Luci let out a laugh at that and started to play a song while you continued to think of an awesome song that wouldn't get you expelled from High school.
"(Y/n) sing!" luci screamed making you remember your entrance. Well actually you completely miss the introduction, you give Luci a note and he goes back a note allowing you to enter mid verse.
"And then when you graduate You take a look around and you say, "Hey, wait!"
This is the same as where I just came from I thought it was over, oh, that's just great The whole damned world is just as obsessed With who's the best dressed and who's having sex
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess And you still don't have the right look And you don't have the right friends Nothing changes but the faces, the names and the trends High school never ends" you sing while rocking out on your guitar only to stop at hearing footsteps. The two of you exchange a look and look up to see Sam and Dean enter the room.
"...we're back?"
"Why are you singing angsty teenage music" Dean adds while Sam continues to look confused at the sight of the rock band.
"School talent show."
"So sing something good yeah?" At this remark you stick your tongue out at Dean and then getting an idea start to play on the electric guitar.
"I wake up every evening With a big smile on my face And it never feels out of place And you're still probably working At a nine to five pace I wonder how bad that tastes When you see my face Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell When you walk my way Hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell
Now where's your picket fence love
And where's that shiny car And did it ever get you far You never seemed so tense love I've never seen you fall so hard Do you know where you are
And truth be told I miss you And truth be told I'm lying" at this Luci chimed in with singing and started playing his drums as well while Dean raised an eyebrow. Ok now that you were thinking about the lyrics and Sam and Dean's life maybe that was more of a burn than the teasing you were going for. Eh, oh well.
"How about you play something good" Dean suggested, his arms folded against his chest.
"Like" you responded just to appease the hunter.
"Dead or Alive, Back in Black -"
"Dean it's a /school/ talent show. I'm pretty sure them singing AC/DC will get them expelled" Sam cut his brother off slightly annoyed.
"Because what they were singing screams perfect school song."
"I didn't say that."
"Wanted Dead or Alive is Bon Jovi not AC/DC" Luci pointed out all of a sudden as you rolled your eyes.
"Yes but we can't play that song or any Bon Jovi song without arguing."
"Billy Joel" Sam suggested only to get a look from his brother.
"Oh c'mon Billy Joel has good songs."
"Coming from the guy who likes Bon Jovi."
"Weren't you the one that suggested a Bon Jovi song?" You couldn't handle their arguing anymore so you strummed an unpleasant chord on the guitar to shut the brothers up.
"That's enough! Luci and I are capable of picking a song out on our own. Now if you don't mind leaving so we can get back to practice..."
"Actually we got to go on a job."
"So go."
"And you're coming with us." Sam added with that stern voice as you just face palmed yourself. Of course.

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