Sam x Balthazar #1

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Imagine Sam dying in Balthazar's arms and Balthazar not being able to heal him.

Don't think there is anything past or present I would put in front of you. Dean's voice echoed in Sam's head as he looked at the sorrowful eyes that were holding him. Balthazar had his head bow and a reassuring smile on his face as an attempt to give Sam and probably himself hope.
"...Dean..." Sam spoke suddenly, his voice incredibly weak. Balthazar tried his best not to grimace at the name. He had always disliked Dean, but knew at the same time that if he wanted to be with Sam... Well then he was going to have to suck it up.
"Dean will be fine. I'll go there and explain and I'll look out for him for you. Even though he's got Cassie, I'll still be there as well." That was assuring right? Balthazar wondered as he once again tried to heal Sam only to have nothing happen.
"It's the God trials... Balthy... Y-you can't.... D- An- any..." Sam's words trailed off as he drifted into an endless sleep. His mind at peace knowing Balthazar would look out for Dean for him.
Balthazar didn't care if anyone could hear him he continued to sit on his knees, holding Sam to his chest as he sobbed his heart out. Looking up for a brief moment he remembered how Sam would pray everyday and through a sob, he closed his eyes and prayed deciding to ask his dad to look out for Sam and to help the both of them. Because Balthazar knew what Heaven was and Sam knew how to deal with loss. After the prayer, Balthazar gave Sam a kiss for the last time and then just sat there stroking his hair.

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