Birthday Imagine

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You smile in your peaceful slumber only to groan at hearing your name being called.
"(Y/n), kiddo, you gotta wake up now" the voice spoke as a hand gently shook your shoulder. You just let out another grown.
"C'mon kiddo don't be like that."
"...five...more minutes..." You mumble sleepily only to continue to be shaken.
"Deeeeaaannn stopppp it."
"Not till you wake up kiddo" and so very reluctantly you woke up to find it was just 6am.
"The hell Dean" you spat as you gave him the death stare. Dean however just laughed as he made a hand motion for you to follow him. Reluctantly you followed him downstairs and outside to be greeted with
"A car?"
"Happy birthday kiddo. Sammy and I got her for you. I admit it's not Baby but you said you liked -"
"Thank you" you squealed as you gave your eldest brother a hug. Dean just held you closely in his arms for a moment before letting you go and going back inside. The rest of the day was filled with movie and Netflix marathons among other little things and surprises here and there. Currently you laid curled up in a ball your head rested on Bal's leg while your feet rested on Dean's lap. Cas sat on the other side of Dean staring transfixed at the tv which is currently playing Zootopia while Sam sat in a comfy armchair next to the couch.
"I don't understand why these animals have human behavior" Cas admitted causing a laugh from Bal.
"It's a Disney movie Cassie. Just go with it."
"Well I suppose I can try."
"Clever fox" you teased Bal as you looked up at him. Bal just gave you a smile as he bunny kissed you before going back to watching the movie knowing Dean and Sam would disapprove of any more public affection. All in all this had to be your best birthday yet.

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