Dean + Sam + Reader - Moving out

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((Hello everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating a lot. I am in dire need of requests because I've been having a hard time coming up with ideas since my mind is on college which I start soon. Anyway please enjoy))

Headphones on and blocking the rest of the world from you, you averted your eyes away from Dean and Sam as you continue to fill the back of the impala with boxes and plastic trunks. Sighing, you close the trunk to the impala with a soft thud and made your way into the backseat of the car. Dean and Sam let you be, knowing how hard this was on you. They are your older brothers after all. They knew while you were excited to finally be going to college and moving out you were also scared and sad to be leaving them. Not that they would ever tell you that they knew that.
Looking out the window you felt yourself close your eyes for a second before speaking.
"Sam? Dean?"
"Yeah (y/n)" the two respond gently as Sam turned around to look at you since Dean is driving.
"I....I'm g-gonna -"
"We know" Sam cuts you off gently with a small smile and places his hand on your knee.
"You do?"
"It's sorta our job to" Dean's voice emerged while Sam nodded in agreement.
"Anyway we'll still see you. I mean this isn't goodbye for good."
"...what're you two going to do without me?"
"Well if ya must know. I'm gonna get Sammy laid so I can go off on my own and have some fun" Dean teased causing Sam to roll his eyes.
"We still got the business - and spying on you from time to time" Sam corrected as you went back to looking out the window. You weren't even at college yet and you knew the year was sure to be an interesting one at the least.

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