Sam x Reader #2

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((In dedication of my dog's birthday))

Imagine getting a dog with Sam

You smiled at the yellow lab curled up on your lap. Well more like spread out across your lap because your 'puppy' wasn't exactly a puppy anymore. It had been Sam's idea - something about how a dog would keep you company when he had to leave for hunts. You, however, knew Sam's love for dogs and wanting to get one and so you played along with the excuse and got a yellow lab. How the two of you came up with the name Sugar, however, you had no clue. 

Sugar acted more like a hellhound than sweet. 

However today she was behaving and waiting for Sam to come back along with you. You had just completely relaxed when Sugar decided to dig her nails into your stomach as she jumped off you and ran to Sam.

"(Y/n)" Sam's voice called as you walked over to him bent over a little bit.

"Hey" You answered as you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him. Sugar sat by Sam's feet looking up at the bag Sam was holding. "I think someone wants their gift."

"Right" Sam chuckled as he gave Sugar her new toy - a moose - before going back to kissing you.

((I'm sorry this took so long for me to post. I write a lot of the stories on my phone which hasn't been working so I had to write this up on my laptop instead.))

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