Dean x Reader #4

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((I'm back and I apologize for my absence - between rehearsals and being sick I haven't had any time really. Requests as always are open and needed :) and enjoy this imagine inspired by Imagine Dragons' Bleeding Out. Warning this may contain some triggers)) 

Blackness surrounded you as you tried not to drown in it only to fail. Startled, you woke up to find yourself curled on the floor still shaking from crying so much - but how could you not after witnessing such a horrid, tragic, sight? Weakly you scrambled to your feet and walked out of your room and down the stairs of the bunker where sure enough Sam was pacing the living room doing research. 

"Sa-Sam" You speak only to be surprised how shaky your voice was. Sam however just put the book down and went to pick up a duffel bag. 

"Sam! PLEASE" You scream unable to take this and why should you have to?

"I have to leave for a couple of days if you-"

"No." At this remark Sam look at you taken aback - you never disobeyed orders or cut the brothers off when they were speaking. 

"It's my turn" you explain as you take the duffel bag from him.

"(y/n)..." Sam begins only to stop at seeing you already left. Sighing, Sam shakes his head he should've known that you would be the one that wanted to go find Dean.

***Time Skip***

Dean walked out of the local bar and made to leave only to stop at finding he couldn't move.

"Let me go Sam-" Dean begins with an annoyed huff only to stop at seeing you emerge from the shadowy corner.

"And wh-what about me? Y-you let me go Dean!" Why must you be on the verge of tears, now, of all times? 

"I'm protecting you!"

"...N-no. No y-you're not. I don't need protection - not anymore."


"This thing hurts demons yeah? I'll admit I haven't been on a lot of hunts and I don't exactly do weapons but..." your voice trails off as you keep the demon blade pointed at him and walk a little closer to him. "You're not fully demon. I can see the concern - you're worried Dean. You still love me and - and Sam and I ... we can fix you."

"See that would work if I wanted to be 'fixed' but I don't." Dean lied even though it was the most painful thing he has had to do so far.  He watched as you shook your head and started to turn only to stop and touch him. 

The warmth and familiarness of humanity, hope, laughter, and everything in between touched his cheek as for the first time in what seem like forever his green eyes seemed to regain hope again and push the all so unfamiliar black as darkness ones away. 

"Demon or not're still my boyfriend. And I still love you" Dean hears you speak in your soft calm voice that is filled with so much warmth only to snap back to reality at realizing your kissing him. You pull away for a moment.

"And maybe, it's possible that we all got a bit of monster in us. But I'm not the same innocent girlfriend you left because my innocence broke the day I lost you. Pl-please don't let go. Not of me or Sam or you - the goodness in you." You watched the torn look on Dean's face as he fought with his internal demons. Naturally he doesn't want to let go - that much is clear - but he doesn't want to hold on and hurt you either. Giving in to the hopelessness you sigh as you make to leave only to be pulled into a kiss. 

"Don't leave me (Y/n)." 

((I hope you guys enjoyed this - and hopefully I didn't cause too much feels. Please please please comment like vote anything really - it means a lot to me. ^^))

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