Gabriel x Reader #1

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((Imagine meeting Gabriel))

You glared at Dean, it just wasn't fair! You knew how to hunt, you were 18 years old, and yet your brothers still wouldn't take you on a hunt!
"(Y/n) look you know the rules ok? Besides we need you here ready to research anything that may show up" Dean added trying to make you feel better by making you realize your 'job' was 'important'.
"Why teach me how to hunt than if you're never going to take me on a bloody hunt!"
"Bloody?" Sam questioned as he did something research-y - well you assumed. All you knew was that Sam currently sat on one of the motel beds on his laptop. You ignored Sam's comment and waiting for Dean to answer.
"Self - defense" Dean replied simply.
"Karate is self - defense. Kung fu is self - defense. Learning how to make a demon's trap and keeping salt on you is not self - defense." Ok maybe you shouldn't have said that - especially you were trying to get them to allow you to go on hunts. You just couldn't help it, you were angry and to an extant you felt left out and misunderstood. You were sort of a loner both in and out of school. You liked to blame hunting for that but you knew even if you weren't a hunter you still would've been a loner.
"Be back later" Dean's voice snapped you back to reality as you watched the two leave. After a moment you decided today was the day you finally went on a hunt and sneaked out of the motel and followed your brothers.

~--Time Skip---

"They call me Gabriel ok" the former Trickster's voice responded as you watched your brothers interrogate the angel hidden from sight. Well so you thought since Gabriel was now looking right at you.
"Hey kiddo" Gabriel added giving away your hiding spot. Grumbling to yourself you came out of your hiding spot so you stood between your brothers and the Angel.
"(Y/n) what are you doing here?!" You didn't respond but looked at Gabriel instead.
"Are you really the archangel Gabriel?"
"One and only" Gabriel answered with a smirk.
"But Mystery Spot..."
"I'm an angel kid not a saint."
"(Y/n) go to the impala this instant!"
"No!" Your voice rang through the abandon building as you extinguished the circle of fire - or whatever dean had said it was - around Gabriel.
"Thanks kiddo" Gabriel spoke when no one else did before disappearing.

~~~ time skip ~~~

You now laid curled in a ball on the motel bed upset. Dean and Sam had just got done lecturing you and saying how disappointed they were in you for not listening to the rules and then making actions without their knowledge or agreement - especially something as big as letting a former trickster now Archangel disappear to who knows where. You closed your eyes not knowing which was worse - your brothers being angry at you or them telling you their disappointment in you. Especially Sam who looked hurt - as if you had betrayed him or something. Letting out a small sign you start to realize that you did in a way unintentionally betrayed your brothers and for the trickster. No not the trickster - Gabriel you reminded yourself, because while you couldn't stand the trickster you felt something for Gabriel. Empathy maybe? You had heard everything he had told Sam and Dean and it had reminded you of yourself in a way. Well not the becoming a trickster as a way to escape part and a couple of other minor things but other than that you felt like Gabriel understood you or could understand you that is.
"I'm never going to see him again" you mumble softly into your pillow oblivious to the looks that your brothers exchanged.

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