Chapter Five

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I still couldn't believe Jennie agreed on going public with this stupid marriage. I myself would hesitate, why does she have to do this? she gains nothing, if I was her, I would agree on the marriage part only and leave the rest of the problem to the other person.

"ARGH" I couldn't help but groan in frustration. This shit has been occupying my mind since that stupid lawyer told me about my father's will and testament.

"What's going on?" Rosé asked looking at me. I may not say it, but I do care for Rosé, she's the only family I have left.

"Stupid Marriage" I simply said and took a sip of bourbon. I saw her laughed.

"Who would've thought that the Lalisa Manoban would have marital problems" I glared at her.

Even I didn't thought that it will all come down to this. Yes I got all my father's inheritance, and 30% won't hurt, but it is frustrating to deal with the public. "Jennie agreed already, what seems to be the problem?" I looked at her. I also couldn't figure out myself what the problem was, all I know that I don't want any of this to go public.

"You fear for her life" Rosé spoke. I couldn't help but give it a little thought. "You don't have to deny it" I don't want to deal with this kind of stuff, it's gonna get in my way of becoming more successful, especially with my underground business matter.

The next day

I woke up earlier than usual, and to my surprise, Rosé wasn't here. I figured, she went out for a jog. Jennie and I came to an agreement that we will inform her family first before we go public today. So I am meeting the Kim's for breakfast.

As soon as I got dressed, I took my keys and drove my way to the Kim's Mansion. To my surprise, the Kim's mansion was not as far as I thought it would be, I arrive just in time. Everyone, including the maids and guards acknowledge my arrival. I saw the Kim family waiting at the front door. As soon as I arrived in front of them, her driver offered to park my car, so I allowed him.

"Good morning Miss Manoban" I assume this is Mrs. Elena Kim. She bowed down to me, so was her dad and sister, but not her.

I set my foot inside their Mansion. "Welcome to our humble abode. It's an honor for us to have you here" Mrs. Kim sounds so nice. But she was nowhere near my mother. "it's also a pleasure to be in your presence" I returned the compliment.

the breakfast was set on their garden. We all sat down, Jennie sat beside me while Jisoo was across her. breakfast started but no one dared to talk. Mr. Kim looks frightening, but not as frightening as my father. "What brings you here Miss Manoban?" At last, her father opened the conversation. "I came here with decency and respect, to personally inform you that Jennie and I got married" It was evident that no one saw that coming. Everyone on the table was flabbergasted with the news. Mr. Kim turned her attention to Jennie. "Speak for yourself young lady" Clearly, this is something a daughter should discuss first with her father.

"It's pure business father" that was all what Jennie could say. We agreed no one can know the truth behind this marriage. "I expected more from you" Her father said with disappointment. I saw Jennie's expression turned sad.

It was unexplainable, but her sadness brought a twinge on me. "Mr. Kim, I assure you, that Jennie will succeed, and accomplish whatever you goals you have set for her" I rarely defend people, but I owe this to Jennie.

"Fine, but your mother and I will demand a real wedding from you two" Jennie was surprised, and looked at me. She looked at me because she knew I would hesitate. "And we'll give it to you" I smiled at her assuring her that she'll be fine.

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