Chapter Thirty Three

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Everything is as chaotic as the information inside Lisa's head. Silence filled the room until the front door swung open leaving the banging sound bouncing back and forth on the walls. 

Marcus and Leon's eyes were surprised upon seeing the man who just entered, and Lisa gasp seeing Jennie from behind, unharmed. 

"George" Marcus could barely speak the name of his younger brother. the youngest amongst the Fraulin brothers. It was rumored that he died in an accident.

"Surprised to see me brothers?" He said with a smug face. Marcus couldn't help but draw closer to his brother. Him and George were close, but not as close as Leon and Marcus. His death was devastating for Marcus. 

"You're alive?" Leon asked. A smirk was evident on George's face. 

"you failed to kill me brother" He said, which caused Marcus to take a step back. Leon was rattled with the revelation. Yes, he ordered his people to kill his brother when he knew George was going to inherit the throne. George was the smart, and responsible brother, Marcus holds the emotional side of the family, while Leon was the greedy one. When their father figured that none from Marcus and Leon are capable of handling the group, he decided to pass the throne to the youngest, but the middle child, Leon disagreed. 

The fire of anger inside Lisa just ignited, she started throwing bullets in the air just to keep the brothers from talking. Silence, then again filled the room.

"Someone tell me the truth, or I will rip your throats out" Lisa threatened, her eyes were burning like fire, and her grasp on her gun was so tight.

"Oh poor Lisa, you were just part of the casualty in our family war, oh wait, you're the reason why this happened." George's laughed echoed as he walked closer to Lisa.

"Oh dear Lisa, you have your mother's eyes" He said giving her a smile. 

"but your parent's got what they deserve" George said. None of the other understand what was happening. 

"they didn't do anything" she said. the laugh gets louder and louder. "thats what you think Lisa, your parent's hands are not the cleanest in this industry, in the mafia world, your parent's got the dirtiest hands. Hundreds of people if not thousands, died because of them. Innocent  and guilty individuals died because of the uncontrollable rage your dad has, which by the way you inherited. and your mom? she was one of the greediest woman in the industry, holding the necks of people just to get what she wanted, which you also inherited. their actions had a great impact in the Mafia world Lisa. As what they say, other groups wants to be on your good side because they knew they'd be dead if they turn against you, but I, I want you out of this industry Lisa, if I can't bring you down, might as well kill you." he said, he then turned to his brothers. 

"I was really disappointed, I really thought you're going to kill her. I'll just do it myself" George pointed a gun at Lisa, and at this point, Lisa's feet was nailed to the ground. She's confused, she's trapped, and her thoughts are chaotic. 

"This was not part of the plan" Jennie spoke. Lisa turned her gaze to her wife, her heart was beating so loud, she could hear it.

"Uncle George, this was not part of the plan" She went closer. 

"Uncle?" Lisa spoke. 

"Yeah, she's my niece, she's Leon's daughter. Funny how things really worked out. now Jennie, stay aside, or the next bullet will be on your head" He said firmly as he draw back his gun and point it at Lisa's head. 

"Any last words Lisa?" Lisa couldn't take her eyes off from Jennie. tears came running down her cheeks, leaving stains as they wet her dress. 

Bullets were fired, and the sound echoed through the walls. 2 bodies, on the floor, bleeding. 

"Lisa" Jennie's heart beat madly as she looks at the lady. She tried to find her wife in Lisa's raging eyes, yet she failed. 

Lisa's eyes were locked at Jennie, and all she could see was anger. the last chess piece of the game that we're playing. 

"Lisa!" Rosé ran into her and tried to stop her but she just pushed her to the side. Jennie reached the wall, and now she's trapped, she has nowhere to go, Lisa was getting closer and closer. 

"One last bullet" Lisa spoke. She held Jennie in the neck. 

"You know what I hate the most Jennie, traitors. I hate traitors. Traitors are the only people I kill without blinking, without thinking twice." tears continued to flow, and Jennie was trembling, with the gun under her chin, it hurt her, but what hurts her the most was seeing the anger in Lisa. She lost the Lisa who once loved her. 

"I'm sorry" those were the only words she could say. 

A sound of gunshot echoed, followed by a scream of excruciating pain. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Lisa screamed as she fell on her knees. 

"You are not killing Jennie" Jennie turned her attention to the person speaking. It was Rosé, she shot Lisa's right calf. 

with that, the blonde knocked Lisa unconscious. 

The next day. Lisa was rushed to the hospital, and she hasn't woken up yet due to the anesthesia that was injected when they removed the bullet. the doctors also put her to sleep, to get over the fatigue that her body is experiencing. 

Jennie and Rosé didn't speak, not a single word, Rosé was too mad and she didn't want to do something she'll regret. 

"Chaeng, I'm sorry" Jennie spoke. Rosé just looked at her blankly. 

"I never thought things would be as fucked up as this. He tricked me, he poisoned my mind, he fed be lies about my true father, and now he's dead. I know Lisa's mad, and you're mad. I know that I fucked up big time, but please believe me that it was never my intention to put Lisa in this situation. I sabotaged the missions because he told me to give it some time, he wanted Lisa to be so mad she'll not think twice of killing his brother. I too was mad with my father. But I realize I didn't gave him the chance to explain. I didn't know that Lisa would be the one suffering because of my uncle's antics. I would never do that to her, I love her" Jennie said crying. 

"Love? this is what you call love Jennie? you helped the enemy Jennie, and you have the audacity to say you love her? You imbecile! do you think I saved you because I care for you? hell no! you lost my trust the moment you left Lisa Jennie! YOU FUCKING LEFT, AND NOW YOU SABOTAGED EVERYTHING LISA WORKED FOR YEARS! YOU FUCKED UP JENNIE KIM! BIG TIME! I saved Lisa from living a life of regret, because I know, no matter how fucked up you are, she'll forgive you, because she fucking loves you. MY SISTER FUCKING LOVES YOU THAT SHE'S WILLING TO FORGIVE YOU! So, I want you to leave. Leave us alone Jennie, and don't fucking show even a shadow on our doorstep. you're no longer welcome." cold tone voice froze Jennie's heart. she felt every stabbing words in her heart, especially coming from Rosé. she couldn't believe she lost everything. She took one last glance at the woman she loves. 

"You're right. I'll go" she came closer to Lisa and gave her one last kiss on the forehead. "I love you" 


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