Chapter Thirty One

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It's been a week since that failed attempt of assassinating Marcus Fraulin. Lisa has been extra careful since then. it was a good choice to bring Jennie back to the company so that people-meaning the Fraulins- would suspect less about the wife. 

"Aren't you afraid of Jennie's safety that she's been going out without you?" Rosé asked. They're inside the coffee shop trying to get some outdoor feels, since they've been stuck inside the headquarters trying to figure out who the mole was. 

"It's better this way, no one saw her during the Gala, and the public knew she went out for a short trip. Her name in the Mafia world is clean" Rosé nodded her head, it was maybe better this way.

"What is your plan on Jisoo? I know she's been texting you nonstop" A sad face was drawn on Rosé's face. 

"I can't, I just can't" She said finishing her cup of coffee. 

"Stop with my crappy love life, or just life, anyways, should we go as planned?" The blonde asked as they stepped out of the coffee shop and into their own individual big bikes. "Yes" with that being said, Lisa and Rosé drove away from the café, and increased their speed as the distance increased too. 

It was something the two ladies used to do, whenever they feel tired, or exhausted, they go for a ride, and bet on who's going to reach their destination first, but now, they just want to drive endlessly. 

"You're home early?" Lisa handed her helmet to her butler and sat beside Jennie who's watching TV, or reading whatever is on her iPad. 

"Yeah, finished office works early. you want dinner?" Jennie dropped her gadget and faced Lisa. 

"No, I actually had take outs for us, I just let them prepare it" Jennie smiled widely, knowing Lisa always pick up her favorites. 

"So how's your day?" Jennie asked as she leaned on Lisa. "Park and I had coffee and went for a long drive, that's just it, nothing exciting really." Lisa said.

"hmm, I on the other hand had a long day, meetings and proposals that I need to go over, but I managed" Jennie said proudly which earned her a kiss on the cheeks from Lisa. 

The night has deepen and Jennie slept her exhausted body while Lisa was still wide awake lying on her bed. She still think of the fact that Jennie's adopted. She didn't want to keep anything from her but it might not be good for them to deal with it especially of their current situation. 

Since then, Lisa has been having a hard time falling asleep, since the Fraulins knew that the Manobans were aware of their doing, Lisa couldn't feel at ease. She's always on the state of thinking and rethinking her strategies. But she felt that sooner or later that the two heads will meet, and she'll gain the justice she's been wanting for so long. 

Its a night of terror for the man who's become loose on the actions he's taking. he knew that he should be more careful of his actions and be more discreet. but truth will indeed show. 

"It's just a matter of time that she'll know the truth, you better fix this." the man on the other side of the phone call said with an anger tone.

"I will, she will not know, not now." The other man said. 

"Remember our deal, if my plan will fail because of you, your family, and your dear daughter will suffer the consequences of you actions" The man threatened the other man on the phone. 

"I know sir." the phone call ended, it was intense, the truth starts to unfold and its just a matter of time that everything will fall into pieces. 

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