Chapter Ten

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The two ladies are currently inside the conference room of the Manoban Empire, arguing at 8 in the morning. "I told you to pick up the crew at 6 in the morning" Jennie screamed at Lisa. "Who do you think I am woman? Is your brain on your ass? If so, then put it back where it belongs and stop being stupid!!" Their screams can be heard from the outside, their employees couldn't help but hear their morning argument.

"You could've at least asked someone to pick them up!!" Jennie roared. Lisa massaged her temples trying to calm herself down before she could do something she knows she wouldn't regret.

"And now you're not talking" Lisa hissed at Jennie's words. "Bullshit!! Why are you even arguing with me? You could ask someone to do that shit for you!!" Lisa said and stormed out.

As soon as she stepped outside the doors, everyone who was eavesdropping went back to their own desks, with that they got a death glare from Lisa.

Jennie on the other hand was frustrated, she has a hectic schedule today but Lisa forgot one job she asked her to do.

It's already 12 in the afternoon, and Jennie is still in the meeting that Lisa was supposed to attend. She cannot understand anything because her stomach growls louder than the lady talking. "That would be all Lady Manoban" a sigh of relief was heard from the lady. Everyone in the conference room evacuated when Adriana came in. "Lady Manoban, Ms. Ava is asking if you can squeeze in on your schedule for today? for a quick tour on the venue for the wedding?" Jennie couldn't help but roll her eyes and sigh. "Tell her, I'll call when I can" with that, Adriana left Jennie alone.


I went to the headquarters when Rosé called. She said she had a lead on my parent's death, as much as I don't want to hope, part of me wishes this time, it's legit. I opened the door and saw a man who's bleeding. He looked at me and smirked. "the last Manoban" He said. then anger took over my system.

"You know who I am, which means, you also know how I work" I said as I took out my knives and guns out of my pocket and holster. the man laughed which brought irritation to my ears. "you don't scare me little girl" I shot his leg which made him scream. "call me little girl and the next bullet will be on your head" I walked towards his helpless, bleeding body.

"i can give you the freedom you long to have, if you answer my question" Now I can see fear evident in his eyes. "Mr. Wo, I know about you and your family, if you won't talk, I'll deliver to you right now the heads of your little boy, and girl, and your wife" I walked towards the table and took my knife.

"now tell me, what do you know about the ambush?" fear rose in his system. I drew the knife near his neck. "Jackson" The man came closer holding a phone. "See? that's your kids and your wife, and behind them are my men, if you won't talk, you'll see them with their bodies in the river and their heads on the table" The man was tearing up looking at the video on the phone.

"Fine, I'll talk, I'll talk, just don't hurt my family" A smirk was drawn on my face. "Of course Mr. Wo, if you cooperate, we might even spare your life" I laughed and placed the knife back on the table and sat on the chair across him.

"The Fraulins, they're the ones who spearheaded the ambush, there was a war going on within their group. that's all I know, I have no idea who specifically did it. All I know is, it was the Fraulins." my long time conspiracy has come to light. Anger ate me up, I emptied my gun, placing every bullet on his body.

"Clean this mess" I instructed Jackson before I left. As soon as I reached my car, I dialed Rosé's number.

"Lisa!" she answered with full of energy. I still can't understand this lady.

"Meet me at the mansion, at the basement" I said before I turned on the car.

"Copy" With that, I drove home, as fast as I could.

One thing I appreciate about Rosé is she doesn't ask a lot of questions. She waits until information is given to her especially when I am the one giving the information, but she can be very impatient and pissed.


Lisa's car roared through the lonely streets of their village. She arrived in no time and saw that Jennie's car wasn't there yet. It's better that she's not here yet. she thought, she sent Adriana a message , asking what time Jennie would go home, and it was just enough time for her and Rose to discuss business.

As soon as Lisa reached her second office in the Mansion, Rosé was already there sitting on the couch playing the xbox inside the office. "you summoned me?" She asked Lisa without leaving the screen. "It was the Fraulins. I was right." Lisa sat beside Rosé which made the latter turned to her. She stopped playing and focused her attention to the lady beside her.

Rosé waited for Lisa to say something, she doesn't want to ask question, not at this state. She felt the sadness and anger fill up the place. "the man said something about a war within the Fraulins. can you find anything about it? also, send something to the Fraulins telling them that war has began" Lisa's voice sound so emotionless, not even a hint of anger was felt from her words but the ways she said it can cause fear on someone. "Will do Lis, for now, just leave this to me. We'll plan everything accordingly" Rosé said tapping Lisa's back. the latter didn't protest, instead she followed what Rosé said and went to her room.

Jennie on the other hand was exhausted when she arrived home. She saw the maids and called their attention. "is Lisa home yet?" She asked. "Yes Lady Manoban but she hasn't came out since she arrived" Jennie nodded with the information and was worried with Lisa. After giving her stuff to the maids to place it on her room, she went to the kitchen not to have dinner because she already ate, but to prepare some soup for Lisa.

As soon as she finished cooking, she changed her clothes and brought the food to her room. "Wife. The maids said you didn't leave your room, I assumed you didn't eat. I cooked your favorite" She didn't hear a reply so instead, she went inside and found Lisa curled up on her bed.

"Lisa?" She placed the tray of food on the table and went near Lisa. She heard tiny sobs. is she crying? she thought.

She sat on the side of the bed near Lisa. Jennie was hesitant to lay her hands on the lady's shoulder but she did. She caress Lisa's shoulders to comfort her. Lisa flinch on upon Jennie's touch which made her sat up. "What are you doing here?" She looked at Jennie in the eyes. her eyes were a bit swollen, and still wet from crying. "I made you dinner?" Jennie stood up to fetch the tray. "I don't need dinner, just leave" Lisa went back to lying down but Jennie didn't follow her, instead, she placed the soup on the nightstand and took off the blanket that's wrapping around Lisa.

"WHAT THE F--, I told you to get out!" Lisa screamed as she tries to grab her blanket but Jennie was able to toss it away. "I won't, if you want me out, then eat!" She screamed back. Lisa was caught off guard and was surprised with Jennie's action. "Just please, eat" There was a hint of care from Jennie's voice that made Lisa's heart jump.

after Lisa finished the soup, Jennie still refused to leave. She didn't know why but she felt like Lisa needs someone right now. "You can go" Lisa said turning her back on Jennie as she curls in back to bed. "I may not know what's going on with you, but I do know it sucks having no one beside you when you're sad, so I'll sit here until you say something or at least when you fall asleep"


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