Chapter Twenty Two

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It's been 3 days since Lisa left the country. Jennie really wanted to know where she went but she didn't want to invade Lisa's privacy. Lisa didn't loose connection with her, and checks up on her almost every hour, either through call or text. Its Saturday, and there's nothing much to do, Jennie decided not to go to the office since she has nothing scheduled for today. Rosé was not around too, the blonde said she has some matters to attend to out of town. Jennie is left all alone in the mansion with the sleeping Kuma. 


I am so bored right now, nothing scheduled for me today, Rosé has some errands to run, and Lisa isn't home yet. I can't bother Jisoo, she's not in the country too. I grabbed my phone and texted Lisa.

"What are you doing?" I pressed sent and waited for her reply. After a few minutes, I received a call instead of a message.

"You're not busy?" I greeted her.

"I am, but I can manage, how about you?"  god knows I miss her voice, and her presence.

"Not really, I'm at home, spending time with Kuma, and getting bored. When are you coming back?" I asked, A minute of silence was heard.

"In four days" her words made me frown. thats a long time.

"Oh-- uhm-o-okay" sadness took over when I realized how long 3 days were, how much more 4 days?

"you okay wife?" she asked, she must've felt the emotions from my voice.

"Yeah, I am, I- I just--Miss you, nothing take care" 

"you too wife, I'll hang up now" i just nodded and heard the line cut. 

I miss you wife. 

I decided to go shopping, but I informed Lisa first so that what happened last time won't happen again. I wore a comfortable jeans, and shite shirt, I brought Kuma's stroller since I'll be shopping with him. 

I went downstairs and hopped in the car. It has always been like this, since Lisa left, I cannot drive my own car, I have a driver on stand by to drive me wherever I wish to go, she also got me a butler to accompany me wherever I go, and Jackson has never left my side together with the rest of his team.

As we drove to the mall, 2 black cars are ahead of us, while another 2 is following us from behind. I never knew being a Manoban is gonna be this hard, it's been what? 3 months? 

We arrived at the mall and obviously, people are looking at me. If only I could shop in peace, and not being the center of everyone's attention. But I can't, as what Jackson said, Miss Lisa gave us strict instruction not to leave you alone Miss Jennie. 

I walked around the mall for 4 hours, and have at least 10 shopping bags carried by my butler. I also bought something for Kuma, Lisa and Rosé. before going home, I wished to grab some ice cream, when I noticed it's almost 5pm. 

You need to be home by 6pm. those were Lisa's words. As much as possible, she wants me to be home at six and never fails to call me and check if I'm actually at home. I hurried and bought ice cream for take out and just eat them at home. 

We arrived at exactly 6:15, good thing Lisa didn't call early. The doors swung opened and I placed Kuma to run around the living room, he really loves to do that. I was busy with my shopping bags, I didn't notice someone was standing in front of me. As I lift my head, I saw her. A big smile was evident on my face. I couldn't help and threw myself on her and hugged her.

"Lisa!!!" god I miss this woman. but..

"I thought you'll be home in 4 days?" she gave me a smile.

"I missed you" She said and placed a kiss on my cheeks, I know I'm blushing right now. I bit my lower lips and looked away to keep myself from blushing even more. 

"So you really bough a lot?" she looked at my paper bags.

"is it really too much?" I asked, I feel ashamed, did I really spent that much?

"No hon, you can buy anything you want, literally anything" She pulled me closer and wrapped me around her arms. 

"I really missed you Jen" oh her scent is so addicting. 


the two ladies enjoyed their evening together, Lisa cooked for her wife, and Jennie patiently waited in the kitchen counter. "Do you know when Rosé is arriving?" Jennie asked. Lisa only shake her head no. Jennie nodded and finished the milk ice cream she was eating. 

"here" Lisa placed a plate of pasta and steak on the kitchen counter where Jennie was sitting. Jennie's eyes smiled, when she saw the food, she was really starving, the ice cream only satisfied her sweet tooth. 

"So how was your trip?" Jennie initiated the conversation, knowing Lisa doesn't really talk.

"It was fine, how about you? how are you handling the company?" Jennie swallowed her food before she opened her mouth.

"it was stressful but thank god Rosé was there, she actually helped me through it. what would I do without her" she laughed which made Lisa admire her more and felt the comfort she missed for 3 days. 



I looked at her when she uttered my name. She was looking down at her food like she was trying to figure out what to say. I patiently waited for her to speak. 

She looked at me in the eyes "I'm not sure if I should be saying this." Jennie, what are you trying to say?

"But I really want to get this off my chest." please don't... don't say it love.

"I want to say I'm sorry for not keeping my word" i looked at her with confusion, but at the same time relief. 

"what do you--?" she cut me off by raising her pointer finger. I waited for her next words.

"I failed when I said, this is just purely business" I feel like the heavens fall on me. Part of me wants to be happy, yet the other part of me said this is not right. 

"I'm not asking you to feel the same way, or give me something in return, I just want to say this because it's been occupying my mind. but I hope this won't change how we treat each other." she took a deep breath. 

"Jen, please don't" I stopped her. I'm not sure I could handle myself if she says the words she wants to say. 

"I-I'm sorry, but please, don't. Don't say it" She looked at me and her eyes starts to water. 

shit, she's gonna cry. I-I cannot, I cannot do this. I'm sorry love, but this is for your own good. 

I escaped from the situation. I ran to my room and locked it. I sat on the floor and leaned my head against the door. Damn it Jennie, damn it. 

"Lisa.." i heard a soft voice, like of a whisper from the other side of the door. Jennie, please. 

"I'm falling in love with you" i heard her sigh before her steps slowly disappeared. 



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