Chapter Nine

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Today is the day. I have thought about this for 2 days, I know it's short but I put a lot of effort for this. I did some deep research for this and I swear it was not easy. I took a deep breath and watch the clock on my office as time passes by.

I won't take long here, I just have one paper to sign then I'm off to go. I still have a lot to do. I turned my attention to the door as it swung open. "Lady Kim, here are the papers you need to sign for today, Miss Manoban already counter signed it" she handed me the folder. If Lisa signed it I don't have to read it.

"Will you ask Lisa's secretary about her schedule for today? And please be discreet" she nodded and went her way.

A knock on my door took my attention from signing the papers "Lady Kim, here is the schedule" i took the paper off her hands and she left. I looked at it and good thing she doesn't have anything scheduled for tonight, meaning she'll be home early.

I prepared something for her, I have to apologize for what I did, I know, I crossed a line when I got home drunk and talked back.

After signing the papers, I hand them back to my secretary and left.

It's already 3 in the afternoon, so I started cooking. Yes, I'll prepare food for her. I really went through Rosé to know what Lisa likes. It was hard because most of them were thai food. It never really occurred to me that she's thai or whatever.

Pho phat pong curry
Tom yum
Pad thai

Few of her favorites. Its a lot of hard work but it'll pay off.

I started cooking. It was really hard, I know how to cook but not used to, so I got myself some little burns.

I was down to my last recipe and it's already 5:50pm, Lisa would be home anytime. I saved the worst for last.



I went home early, I'm too tired and pissed to deal with anyone right now. I was about to head upstairs when I heard a scream coming from the kitchen.

I rushed there to see what's happening. "Ahh!! Huhu why do you have to be so mean to me? I'm just cooking you, you're food, you need to be cooked, I'm human, I don't have to be cooked, please understand that, huhu it really hurts" i saw Jennie holding her arm. I tried not to laugh, did she just talked to the frying pan in-front of her? I made my presence known.

"Who told you to cook? We had a lot of maids" She looked surprised with my presence. "H-hi, I-I, I prepared dinner!" She pointed at the dinning table filled with favorites. My eyes widened. They smell so good. "Please, accept my peace offering, I'm sorry, I was wrong for coming home drunk and for talking back" she now looks at me with her cat eyes. I have a thing for cats.

"So what are you cooking?" I asked and went close to what she was having trouble with. "Pad thai?" I saw her sadness turned smile.


I was about to help her but she insisted. So I sat on the chair and waited for her. Looking at her, she looks like the typical house wife, she look exhausted and burns are visible on her arm. Did she really went through all of these for me? I couldn't help but smile.


She served the last food and drinks. She took off her apron and sat beside me. "Let's eat?" She said with a big smile so I started picking foods. "And oh, Happy Monthsary wife" my body froze with what she said. It was our monthsary? I took a glance on my phone. Shit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get the chance to buy you something, I hope this is enough?" This is more than enough already. I didn't really got a chance to buy her something. I thought she wouldn't make a fuss about it.

After our dinner, we head towards our different rooms. I was about to hop on my bed someone knocked on my door. "It's Jennie" I walked towards the door and opened it. "What?" I looked at her with a poker face. "It's dad, he wants to see us tomorrow, he wants an update for the wedding" My body froze, we totally forgot about it. I simply nodded and closed the door.

The Next Day

Jennie and I didn't bother going to the office, instead we prepare to meet her father. As soon as I finished my routine, I waited for Jennie in the living room, while making calls. I don't have the mood to go to the office nor the headquarters, I had Rosé to handle the latter. As soon as I spotted Jennie, she descends from the stairs like she was floating. She was wearing a dress but she looks so elegant and expensive.

"let's go?" I nodded and we went straight to the basement.

While we were inside the car, before I could start it, Jennie opened the conversation. "What will we say? we haven't agreed on anything yet" she asked looking at me. "Just pick whatever you like" I said as I drove the car. "How about the date?" She asked. "I said, it's up to you"


Why is she like that? does she not want to have this wedding? I mean this should be special. I care about weddings, and monthsaries, and anniversaries.

"Fine, we can have it on the 23rd of September" My soul just lifted up when I heard her. "That's oddly specific?" She threw a glare at me so I stopped dealing with that and moved on. "What about our theme?" I asked again. "this time, you pick" I nodded. it's just fair. "Rustic and vintage" I saw her smile. she liked the idea.

I was so busy thinking about the wedding stuff, I failed to notice we already arrived at my-- my father's house. As soon as we stepped inside, the maid told us they're in the garden, so we head straight to where they were.

"Dad, mom" I greeted them with a kiss on the cheeks why I bowed down to Jisoo. "Unnie" Lisa did the same and sat down beside me. We started to eat, in the middle of lunch, dad opened up the topic. "Why haven't I heard anything about the wedding?" I looked at Lisa, and was about to say something when she nodded and talked. "I was finalizing some things for the company before we start, I want our full attention on the preparation. We also decided on the date, it will be on the 23rd of September. After tomorrow, I'll set the press conference for the announcement." She smiled and went back to eating. I just looked at my dad and he looked amazed. "Well then, we'll look forward to it"


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