Chapter Twenty Seven

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(Listen to the song: Here's your perfect by Jamie Miller)

From the months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds that I have loved you, I never regret, not even for once, I regretted loving you. 

Flashback: 1 month ago. 

Jennie drove Lisa's car as fast as she could as if she was chased by the enemy. Tears continued to flow, and body is trembling from the fear brought by what she saw. 

I need to get out of here, I need to-- I-- I can't take this.

Jennie's mind is not stable, let alone driving. but she managed to reach the mansion safely. She didn't wait for the butler to open the doors, she pushed the big doors and rushed to her room. All the helper and butlers were surprised with Jennie's aggressive actions, yet no one could open their mouth to ask. 

She packed all her things, leaving not a single piece of clothing. She threw everything inside her luggage, she was so busy packing, she didn't notice kuma who's following her every move. She closed her luggage and was about to leave the room when she saw her little furball. 

She dropped her stuff and knelt down. "Kuku, I'm sorry, mommy's leaving, and I can't bring you. I just need some time. I'll come back for you okay? please behave, I love you kuku" She kissed the little guy and went her way, the little guy went back to his little bed thinking that maybe her mommy was just going to work.

"Jennie! JENNIE!" Lisa barged in, looking for her wife. 


I, I cannot, I cannot do this anymore. It is much painful and heartbreaking that I was able to witness who Lisa really was. I rushed downstairs, only to find her looking at me. the mansion was empty, unlike when I arrived, it was empty and it was filled with silence.

"Jennie" her voice, her voice was breaking. I can see tears forming on the side of her eyes. but every I look at her, my heart gets heavier, it felt like heavens just dropped on me. 

"please" as she took a step close, I step back. 

"I can't let you go, it's not safe" her tears fell, and it was the last thing I need. 

"Lisa, no! I-I can't, you are a killer, you are a monster. Here I thought you were just cold because of what happened to you, but no, it was way bigger than that. Lisa you kill people, you take away lives, you don't have the right to do that, you don't get to play god!" I just can't bear the thought that the person I love takes away lives. 

"Jen, I'm just a human, I'm not perfect." she took another step, and as much as I wish to take a step back, I hit the wall. 

"Jen, just please, just don't leave, if you leave, I can't protect you." she attempted to hold my hand but I retracted. 

"you don't have to protect me Lisa, I can protect myself." I escaped from being cornered.

"DAMN IT JENNIE!" her loud voice echoed, I can see anger in her eyes. She took my hand and looked at me in the eyes.

"YOU.CANNOT.LEAVE!" anger filled her eyes, it was evident and it was one of the things I was afraid of

"Lisa! you're hurting me! LET GO OF ME" i tried pulling my hands off of hers but she was so strong, and she's not letting me go. 

"YOU ARE NOT LEAVING" She said once again with that authoritative voice she's known of. 

"You can't stop me." I said, I tried everything, I kicked her, I slapped her, I pinched her, punched her, but it only hurts me more. 

"Jennie, please, I love you, I won't be at ease knowing you're out there unguarded" Her grip just got more tighter and tighter.

"Then Don't Love me you Heartless bitch!" in one second, she let go of my wrist that's turning red, I left her without turning back. 

Third Person's POV

Stupid fucking heart! Stupid, Idiot, Reckless Heart! DAMN IT! 

every thing she sees is broken and shattered into pieces, the mirrors, the vases, artworks, even the living room television and coffee table was flipped, and shattered. Lisa was so mad, she punched the mirror and her hand was bleeding but it was nothing compared to the pain that she's feeling right now. 

"OHMYGOD!" the blonde lady came in and saw Lisa crying on the floor. She ran ran to her and didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around the weeping lady. 

"Rosie, please take this pain away, Rosie, I don't want this thing, Chaeng, please take it away" she kept punching her chest. "I'm sorry Lisa, I'm really sorry" tears fell from the blonde's face. seeing her friend like this broke her into pieces. 

"Jennie, I'm sorry, please" Rosé tightened the hug, even she herself is in pain. 

Jennie drove farther and farther, yet her mind hasn't left the mansion. Her tears continued to fall as she recalls the face of a weeping Lisa. I love you, but I don't think I can love YOU. those were the words that couldn't leave her mind. as the night fold in, houses became fewer, as her distance increases in time. 

She decided to check into a motel to spend the night, and hit the road once again in the morning. "One room please" she said to the recipient. "Okay Miss?" the receptionist asked for her name. "Jennie Mano--- Jennie Kim" her heart races, trying to beat the pace of her breathing. "Here you go Miss Kim, Room 327" she gave a subtle smile and proceeded to her room. She left her luggage in the car and just took the clothes she chose to wear for the night. 

The next day, Jennie checked out at 5am wanting to witness the beautiful sunrise as she drives into the lonely road. She's so far from home, yet she felt this weird sensation of comfort and safety, emotionally and physically. 

Jennie drove endlessly until her tire flat. she was in the middle of nowhere, all she can see is rice fields, frustration kicked in, she tried to see if she can change the tire herself, but she wasn't able to find some tools. 

"Miss? are you okay?" An old man caught her attention, she felt a slight relief knowing she's not alone. 

"flat tire, do you happen to know a place where I can have this fix?" the man shook his head no. Jennie released a sigh of frustration, not knowing what to do. 

"I can help you replace the tire, do you have a spare?" Jennie tried to check the back part of the car and she has one spare. She was able to breathe. 

The old man and Jennie successfully changed the flat tire. "Where are you off to ija?" The man asked, being curious as to why the lady is in the middle of nowhere alone. 

"I-- I ran away from home, I honestly don't know where to go" She said with a sad tone. 

"Do you want to stay with us? I mean, my wife and I just leave nearby, if you want" the man offered, he felt sorry looking at Jennie, she looks someone who just went through something bad. 

"I- I don't want to be a burden sir" she said and smiled. "It's not a problem, my wife would be happy to have someone in our house, since it has always been the two of us" a hint of sadness were formed in the old man's eyes. Jennie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Don't you have a child mister?" Jennie asked, the old man's face turned sad, "No, my wife and I wasn't able to have a child." Jennie didn't expect it. She agreed to join the man and his wife in their little home.

Since then, Jennie stayed there, the couple opened their home to the wandering lady. But deep inside, the couple hoped that Jennie would find the answers to her questions, and realize the things she needs to realize before it's too late. 


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