Chapter Six

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Most people would be wondering why I took the offer of Miss Manoban. To be honest, it was just pure business. Since I was young, I always want to prove myself to my father. I want my father to see me the way she see's my sister. Yes I definitely have father issues but we never talked about it, and I never told him about it.

I have been feeling like an outcast at my own home as far as I can remember. Yes they treated me well, but not the same as my sister. Which is why her company was part of the top 5 and mine was not. When Miss Manoban offered me great deal, I couldn't turn it down, just like other people's reason, it's THE MANOBAN. I grabbed that opportunity to put myself on the top, or at least near the top, and maybe my father will see me as his daughter.

Also the reason why it was so easy for him to pack my stuff and send me away.

I am here placing my stuff on my closet, in my new bedroom. At least here, I have a big and nice room. I felt like someone. Even if I am Lady Kim, I never felt that I was someone special other than being another woman in the business industry.

As soon as I finished settling in, I sat on the edge of my bed. I am a Manoban. I have turned myself into someone, not just in the business world, but an actual woman who exist. Whom, the precious and perfect Miss Manoban married.

I looked at the ring I am wearing. Lisa told me to wear it, people will look for it. Even a piece of jewellery is more special than me.

A knock on my door caught my attention. "Lady Manoban, you are requested in the Miss' study" a maid. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I opened the door and followed her.

I came to know that her study was in the east wing of her mansion. The maid opened the door for me and there I saw my wife. "You requested for me wife?" I asked as I stepped inside only to see big men surrounding her.

"This is Lucas, head of my security, these 4 men will be your bodyguards from now own, Adriana here will be your personal assistant, she'll come in handy. This will be your new normal" she said looking at me straight in the eyes. I heard that the Miss Manoban don't look at people in the eye, well except for Rosé, but now, she looks at me without hesitation.

I was about to say something when she spoke first. "Save your stupid questions, now leave" is she on her period? Why is she so moody. I rolled my eyes and left.


Security was added at the mansion, and I assigned bodyguards to follow Jennie around. The moment the world knew about us, she's in grave danger. Having great power can increase your death to happen by 80%.

"Lisa" Rosé called my attention, while I am having a bourbon here in the garden.

"Did you do what I asked you to do?" I asked and she nodded followed with a great smile.

"What?" She continued smiling like an idiot.

"I heard Jennie's living with you, so much for the 'married in paper only'" surely one day I will include this stupid on my enemies list.

"Park you are so close in getting your name signed on my enemies list" she has been so comfortable around me, I don't even know if she still fears me. She only gave me an even wider teasing smile.

"Lisa, you don't have to deny it, Jennie's interesting" I glared at her. Stupid things come out from her stupid mouth.

"We've been friends for 20 years, I know you too well. I've seen everything Lis, no need to hide" she was overconfident to think that she knows me.

"I am your closest friend and you didn't bother giving me bodyguards, unlike Jennie who was just a mere investor, a complete stranger, and suddenly you set up bodyguards as if she's a multi-billion worth of a possession." I didn't like the way she talked about my wife. "And you didn't like my words. See? I know you too well. I also knew that she is the only person who can break your walls" with that she emptied my glass and left.

No, I could not let one person ruin the goal I have set for myself. I could not have someone bring my guards down, not now, not ever. And if Jennie Kim would get in my way, I myself will get rid of her.


Seeing Lisa grow emotion inside her. I couldn't still deny that I myself fear for Jennie's life. Not that our enemies might take her down, but I am afraid that Lisa's wall bricks are hard enough for Jennie to break, and it might cause her life.

Lisa knows no boundaries when it comes to attaining her goal. She will eliminate whoever gets in her way. Which is why Jennie should work. Jennie must work.

I went to Jennie's room and found 2 guys guarding her door like she was a prisoner. I knocked on the door and was granted permission.

"Jennie!" I greeted her with a smile on my face. She smiled at me but I can see that there's something wrong.

"How are you doing? After all what happened?" She's Lisa's wife, so she's my friend. "So far so good, aside from those guys outside my door" I can feel her frustration. "You'll get used to it" I said.

"I'm going to throw some facts at you right now. Did you know that this household never had a bodyguard or any security for that matter, until you arrived" I can see curiosity filled her eyes.

"Why is that?" She asked. "Lisa didn't want anyone following her around, I'm already irritating enough" I laughed at my sentence. She on the other hand shook her head.

"Anyways, I just came by to see how you were doing, I still have errands to run. Welcome to the family Jen" I kissed her cheeks before leaving.

As soon as I closed the door of her room, I looked at the bodyguards in the eye and they knew what I meant.


Its been a week since the announcement of Lisa and Jennie's marriage. The world was surprised yet they are waiting for the weeding of the century.

Jennie and Lisa's bond on the other hand didn't change. They live under the same roof but barely see each other, they don't go to the office together, and they still work separately.

Jennie is starting to get used to the bodyguards following her around but she's still not that comfortable.

Lisa on the other hand had a new lead for the death of her parents. "Speak or I will slowly cut your head off" she said looking at the sharp knife on her hand. "Or maybe shoot it off" she raised her gun. "Or a razored wire would do the trick!" Her voice is calm yet full of anger.

"I'd rather die" the man spoke. Lisa sighed at frustration but still remained calm. She took a piece of paper from the table and walked towards the man who has his hands tied up.

"I can say, you have a good looking little girl, and an okay looking wife. Oh those innocent eyes. I wonder what they'll look like if they're covered in blood" Lisa's laugh echoed throughout the empty room. The man's eyes widened. He was stupid to be surprised.

"I have nothing to say. I hold no information about your parents death. Please spare my family" the man learned to beg. Lisa was pissed enough she planted a bullet on the man's head and walked away.

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