Chapter Thirty Two

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The day has come, the day that Lisa's has been waiting, will this day put an end to the justice she's been craving? will this day be the end of the long feud between the Manoban and Fraulin? 

"Lisa! why aren't we sharing a ride to the event?" Jennie asked, she was all set, she was wearing a red dress with a thin strap and a slit up to her thigh. She's looking exquisite and expensive yet Lisa's feeling different tonight. The success of this mission will not only give her the justice she's been wanting to achieve, this will also prove one thing, yet she could not be sure until tonight ends. 

"I need to foresee what Dara and Irene has been up to, I'll be right back, just entertain the guests okay? and don't tell anyone, not even the heads of the other groups on your knowledge about the mafia, okay?" with that Jennie nodded and placed a kiss on Lisa's cheeks before she walked outside and into the car. 

Lisa took a deep breath before she walked out of her room. As she descends, she saw Rosé in the living room couch wearing a black tube dress with her blonde hair down. "Ready?" Lisa asked, and the blonde girl nodded. "Everyone's in their places, guests have arrived at the second location, the Fraulins started arriving 3 minutes go, Marcus is already there, but Leon was running late" Lisa felt a sudden increase in her heart beat, she didn't know why, but she was good at keeping it to herself. 

"Tonight, Roseanne, tonight will end all the suspicions I have for the past days." Lisa's eyes were side, but the craving for truth was evident. "Are you ready?" Rosé asked, Lisa bit her lips and nodded. She's not ready, she just have to convince herself that she is. 

The speed ate the time, and they arrived at the location. Media was there, and they knew that Lisa has arrived regardless of the mask she was wearing. She's wearing a gold dress that wraps tightly around her slim figure, and a black mask that shows one side of her face, revealing her red luscious lips. 

Flashes of the camera don't blind them anymore, she gave the sweetest innocent smile anyone could give. Everyone clapped their hands as the host announced her arrival. Everyone was dressed appropriately, and no one could notice that these were just her people. 

Jennie has arrived at the venue, we swept everything, and it was clean. 

Jackson said through the ear piece Lisa was wearing, it was so tiny, it went unnoticeable. A sigh of relief was heard from the lady.

Lisa spotted Marcus Fraulin and saw him walk her way. "Congratulations Miss Manoban for the 100th years of being on top of the industry. I'm sure your Father is proud." Annoyance filled Lisa's system yet she kept it cool. "Thank you Mr. Fraulin, and I plan to keep it this way for the next 100 years" She teased. The Fraulins have attempted to drag the Manoban down, but they manage to fail at every attempt. 

"Miss Park, I see you colored your hair blonde, since the wedding right?" Marcus turned his attention to the blonde lady. "Speaking of wedding, where's your wife Ms. Lisa?" He asked as he studied the surroundings but failed to find the lady. "She has some personal matters to attend to, besides, Manoban is an Empire, too many to handle" With that, Lisa left Marcus and acted mingling with other guests. 

Leon is not here yet, we have to be more discreet. 

Rosé relayed the message thru the earpiece. 

It was time for Lisa to give a message, so she went up the stage and faced everyone. 

at the same time, Jennie was the one giving the speech on behalf of Lisa. the question as to why the venue has changed still confuses her, yet she cannot call Lisa since she left her phone in the car. 

"Good evening everyone, I know everyone's expecting my wife to give the speech tonight, yet she chose to attend to the business matters. Could we all agree by the fact that Lisa, is still prioritizing the company" Everyone clapped their hands and agreed to what Jennie has said. 

"I'll be reading the speech she had prepared for you" She unfold the paper.

"A hundred years of serving the people, providing good service and quality products to each individual around the globe. A hundred years of satisfaction and luxury. On behalf of the whole Manoban Empire, to all the staff that has been with us throughout the year, your efforts are highly appreciated. As we turn a century old, I came to realize the value of loyalty. Thank you for spending a century with us, from my great grandfather, down to my father, and me, thank you for always trusting Manoban Empire." Jennie and Lisa said in unison. Applause was heard and people felt the sincerity of the message. 

that applause was a cue, a cue to turn the lights off, a cue for a total blackout, a cue for this night to start, and a cue to end the years of living in the lie. 

before the lights went off, Leon saw Lisa take off her mask and gave a smirk. and that red lips was the last thing he saw before he was knocked out from behind. 

bullets were fired, screams echoed through the walls of the room, whispers are air that passes through one ear and into the other. Dead bodies scattered, blood was shed, yet the fire inside Lisa's heart was burning so bright, that when the lights turned back on, she and Marcus are on each other's throats, surrounded by bodies covered in blood, and the white heavenly night turned blood.

"Give up now Marcus, you are outnumbered, lets end the fight between our families once and for all, so do me a favor and die" She said with a smirk. 

"Oh come on Lisa, I know that you know the truth, I know you were never after me, you're after my brother, after all, you have his child right?" Lisa's eyes widened, surprised, that they really thought the Manobans kidnapped Leon's child.

"Oh, based on the look in your eyes, you have no idea." he said, sharing the same feeling of surprised.

"What child are you talking about?" Lisa asked. 

Marcus removed the blade on Lisa's throat, knowing, Lisa is a rational person behind the raging lion in her. "Leon thought your parents took his child, he was so mad, he planned the ambush. But now, I learned that you have no idea about this, and know nothing about the child, my curiosity has grown bigger. if you didn't take the child, who then took the child?" Lisa and Marcus' attention was turned to the man who groaned in pain, with the blonde lady behind him pointing a gut at his head. 

After Leon realized the situation, he threw a death glare at Lisa, like he wanted to rip her throat out. "You! you were the reason why I lost my child, heartless bitch" He tried to walk towards her direction but Rosé pulled the trigger in the air causing him to stop. 

"No Leon, you're wrong. The Manobans was not the one who took your child." Marcus speaks as he walked towards his brother. 

"No! they took it because of their greediness, they took it and held it against me" Tears were falling yet the hard loud voice of Leon Fraulin echoed. 

"What are you talking about?" Lisa asked, she has no clue. Until now, they thought she has the child. 


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