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Jungkook passed the time by staying outside the Pretorium, since Nikaia was still sleeping and probably will take days or months before waking up. He played with the forest creatures while patiently waiting at his cousins. He was feeding a rabbit when he heard thuds behind him.

“You’re here!”, the youngest angel excitedly turns around, thinking it was Jin, Jimin and Hoseok but he was disappointed when he faced Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon, “Oh!”.

“That’s not the reaction I expected”, the leader commented.

“Why are you outside?”, Taehyung asked.


“So, Jin was right. Jimin brought Nikaia here”, Yoongi glanced at the dilapidated hut.

“Yes, but there’s more”, Jungkook wasn’t certain if he was the right one to tell them of what had took place but they need to know.

“Speak, Jungkook”, Namjoon urged.

“Well, we found out that Nikaia has a daughter with Jin”, he expected them to be shocked but they weren’t, “why weren’t you surprised? Did all of you know about this?”.

“Kind of, we just recently learned of this because of Heaven”, Namjoon answered.

“She dreamt of the child? Is she okay?”, Jungkook knew the burden of those nightmares to his girlfriend and he was worried she’d be crying a lot because of it.

“She’s fine. This is the reason why we came here. By the way, how did you find out about the child?”, Taehyung askd.

“Jin used his ability”.

The trio became worried knowing the dangers of the angel’s power.

“Nikaia?”, Namjoon couldn’t help but be concerned for the Dryad’s well being.

“She’s unconscious. It will be days before she opens her eyes”.

“Are they inside? We should discuss about the danger her child is in”, Yoongi was about to take a step forward but Jungkook’s statement prevented him.

“They’re not here. They left to save the kid”.

“What? What do you mean?”, Taehyung questioned.

“When Jin prodded into Nika’s memories he saw their child was abducted and kept hostage in exchange for Nikaia to kill one of us”.

The trio looked at him with surprised gazes.

“Wait, what? She was going to kill one of us?”, Taehyung was appalled.

“So, what happened to Jin was planned?’, Yoongi stated.

“Well, not exactly. It could have been any of us. Jin was just the unfortunate one who caught her fury because of her sister”.

Namjoon shakes his head in disbelief, “Who is behind all of this and why didn’t you call us? We could’ve helped in retrieving the child’.

“Time was crucial. Who knows what will happen to the kid if the sorceress knew that Nikaia failed”, Jungkook noticed their furrowed brows, “Yes, the sorceress of hell is behind all of this”.

“But she’s dead”, the leader argued.

“Jin thinks it’s her sister”.

“Shit! This is bad”, Yoongi commented and placed his hands on his hips. “How long have they left and flew to their destination?”.

“Where could they be? In hell?”, Taehyung’s eyes widen.

“We don’t know yet. We can’t just barged into hell like that, it’s too dangerous”, Namjoon stated.

“Oh, they didn’t fly. Actually, Jimin used his .....”, he stops when suddenly specks of light started to appear a few feet from them, slowly forming into beings.

They all gathered around Jin and Jimin but Namjoon was the one who noticed something, “Where’s Hoseok?”.

“He chose to be left behind but promise to follow us”, Jin explained while trying to soothe the anxious baby in his arms.

“Why did you leave him there, alone?”, Yoongi asked.

“I ........ I had difficulty teleporting with three beings”, Jimin half-kneeled as he tried to catch his breath. His ability took all his strength.

Namjoon patted his younger cousin, “You did well, Jimin. Don’t worry, with enough practice you’ll be able to master your power”.

“We need to go back for Hoseok”, Yoongi was adamant.

“We can’t. Hoseok was right, if we return back we’ll be ambushed”, Jin said.

“So, what should we do?”, the youngest questioned.

“The only thing I think we should do is wait for him in Fairyland”, Namjoon looked at each of his cousins, “I trust Hoseok. He’ll get out of there alive”.

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ARCHANGELS' LEGACY  BOOK III: Revenge of an Angel [completed]Where stories live. Discover now