CHAPTER 10: Past

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"Wah, Jay's crazy," Heeseung said, slightly laughing. I glared at him.

We were all at Sunoo's because we decided to have a sleepover since we had no classes tomorrow. I told them what happened in the closet and they all started freaking out. Even Heeseung. Sunoo and Hea jumped up and down like a bunch of highschool girls while Ni-ki and Jungwon were just amazed of Jay's actions. While me, the one who actually was in the situation, is sulking.

"Why are you so upset by it? We've done the same thing multiple times before," Heeseung blurted out. My jaw dropped to the floor and so did Sunoo's. The room was silent and the others looked at Heeseung with wide eyes.

"You... you guys dated???" Jungwon asked, shocked.

"No no we didn't!" I quickly denied it.

"Well, it was more of just two friends making out whenever they felt like it," Heeseung said, putting an arm around my shoulder. I put my face into my hands and groaned.

"So... huh?" Ni-ki said, confused.

"Heeseung liked her but Y/N rejected him because Y/N wasn't ready to be in a relationship," Sunoo said, emphasizing the words 'wasn't ready since he knew exactly why. "again," he said. I looked at him shocked.

We're just expoxing me now? I thought.

"Again? You had a boyfriend before?" Heeseung asked, looking at me. I glared at Sunoo.

"What?? It's true!" Sunoo said.

"Y/N! Tell us you're love story PLEASE!!" Hea begged. I looked at Jungwon and Ni-ki, who also seemed to be interested in the conversation.

"Sunoo you tell them," I said, not really in the mood to talk about it.

Flashback: 3rd Person's POV

"Y/N! What the heck you're dating Jake?" Sunoo asked confused.

"Shh he said to keep our relationship private," Y/N said, trying to make Sunoo lower down his voice.

"Private? Why?"

"Because I'm from the rival school, also he doesn't want anyone snooping in his buisness," Y/N said.

"Well congratulations! You got the basketball captain of Dwight!" Sunoo squealed and Y/N giggled at his bestfriend's reaction.

End of Flashback

"It was normal for so long, it was all going so well, Y/N was happy, I was happy for her, Jake was so sweet to her, it was amazing, like  a drama," Sunoo said.

"So... how did they end up, breaking up?"

Flashback; 3rd Person's POV

"I think I love Jake," Y/N told Sunoo. Sunoo looked at her with wide eyes before freaking out and jumping around like a maniac.

"I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it! You guys are literally perfect, he's so sweet to you, and you're obviously the best girlfriend! This is amazing, you should tell him!" Sunoo said, going on and on about it.

Y/N smiled at her bestfriend, it was fun seeing her bestfriend get excited for her as if they were watching a romance drama.

The next day, Y/N decided to surprise Jake at their school. Of course, having that their relationship was still a secret to everyone, she sneaked in with one of Jake's few friends that knew about their relationship. 

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