CHAPTER 32: Waffles and Misunderstandings

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Sunghoon's POV

"Is that a problem? Why is it a problem?" Hea asked.

"Well if she's back, that means she's most likely transferring here," Daeun said.

"Yeah, and the last time she went back to Korea after they broke up, she made sure no girl got close to Sunghoon," Jay explained. 

"She sounds psycho," Hea scoffed.

"Trust me, we don't like her either," Daeun sighed. 

"Why did you guys break up in the first place?" Hea asked. Daeun scoffed.

"Because she a manipulative controlling little bitch. She cheated on Sunghoon on another figure skater. I still can't believe I thought she was nice," Daeun said.

"Woah," Geonu said.


"Daeun never swears, she must be really bad," Geonu said.

"What are you going to do hyung?" Ni-ki asked. I looked at him, not sure what he meant.

"What do you mean?" 

"Well your ex is back," 

"So? I won't have to do anything if she minds her buisness," I told them.

"And if she doesn't?" Jay asked. I looked at him.

"I'm not letting her ruin this for me," I told them.

"I volunteer to slap her if she doesn't back up," Hea said, raising her hand. I smiled, I appreciate it but I'm kind of scared.


"We haven't been here in so long," I told Sunoo.

"Yeah, I remember your pathetic first kiss that happened here," He said and I scoffed. 

"I was like 10," 

"Yeah, with a dude you only saw a couple of times, you are such a player Y/N L/N," he chuckled.

"Yeah at least I got my first kiss,"

"Yah! I'm saving my first kiss for her," he said and I rolled my eyes and snickered. 

"Anyways, are you ready to go back tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded my head, swinging.

"Ugh, that means more work though,"

"But you get to see Sunghoon," he said, with a grin on his face. I glared at him and groaned.

Sunghoon , huh? I immediately thought of the day he visited and I smiled to myself at the thought. 

"Oh? You're smiling like an idiot!" Sunoo said while clapping. I jot my head trying to deny it but it was already too late. 

I just sighed.

"Y/N, update me when you can, alright?"

"Yes, mom," I told her and hugged her one last time before going into Sunoo's car. 

"Night Sunoo," I said, going into my apartment. I plopped down on my bed finally getting some  sleep.

I woke up when I heard my phone buzzing. I rolled over to the other side of the bed to see who was calling me first thing in the morning. 

pshoon is calling...

I quickly sat up and cleared my throat before picking up my phone to answer. 

"Hello?" I answered.

"I'm outside," he said. I immediately got up, fixing my hair, running to the door so I can see him from the balcony but when I opened the door, he was right there, with his phone near his ear. "Hi," he smiled.

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