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Eren pov :
" damn it ! I really fucked up ! " I slammed my clenched fists on the wall , feeling that I will explode from rage in any moment now , and this wasn't good at all . I took in a deep breath , attempting to calm down my nerves before I lose control and break a table or a chair .

I sat down and put my hands on each side of my face " what I only do is create problem after problem "

" where's the lie tho ? " Another voice spoke beside me " seeing the look on her face , you won't probably see her for a while "

" thanks porco , I didn't notice that " I rolled my eyes " why did she come here in the first place ? Didn't she see the text message that I sent her ? "

" visibly not , rah ! Lost again ! " porco said with a mocking tone .

" I really like the way you help me with my problems , thanks "

" listen buddy , you put yourself in this shit alone . I was already nice enough to listen to your lamentations  "

" but what do I do now ?!  " I turned to my friend who was on his phone doing something .

" I don't know ! Dissappear , fucking ice ! "

" thanks for you help , I'm touched " I scoffed looking away from him .
Moments have passed , then I remember what porco said a while ago . My eyes widened and i got up .

" wait , don't tell me that you're.."
I walked to him hurriedly wanting to see what was he doing on his phone . Porco attempted to hide the screen of his phone , but it's too late , I already saw what I wanted to see .

" are you for real ? You play candy crush ? So manly ! " I exploded of laughter clutching my stomach .

He sent me a dark look " and you find it manly to hurt a female who loves you because you're scared that it will ruin your career ? Stop acting like a five year child and face your responsibilities  "

He immediately regretted what he said . His sentences had a pretty good effect on the singer , who lifted him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him up until their eyes met .

The leader of the group looks like he was ready to suffocate him in any moment now . A menacing light illuminated his furious teel eyes .

" never . Say . That . Again " he spat with venom lacing in each word he said  " you know very well what happened , you know very well that I have my entire responsibility to face ! "

" I....know.." porco said gasping for air " pardon me....i only wanted to.."

The singer released him and sat down on a chair , brows furrowed . His knuckles were turning white due to him clenching his fists tightly . His eyes glimmering with rage . He didn't say a word and porco sat down again . Then after thirty seconds of heavy silence , Eren broke it , his voice had mixed emotions such as rage , sadness , regret and worry .

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ➳𝗲.𝗷𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗿 Where stories live. Discover now