(S:2 E:7) Must Be Nice

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(3rd POV)

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBAY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the story as: "RWBAY CHIBI"!

Late For Class

It was Wednesday afternoon as some of the students of Beacon were listening to Professor Oobleck's lecture about history while he was marking stuff down on his chalkboard. Blake and Yang were sitting in their seats below Weiss and Alex who were sitting together. All of Team RWBAY were in their seats except their leader Ruby Rose who was late to class and trying to sneak in and get to her seat.

"So in conclusion, history is good, ignorance is bad!" Oobleck said. Ruby was tiptoeing as quietly as she could to her seat in hopes Oobleck wouldn't notice her. "Therefore, read a book!" Oobleck said, finishing his speech.

Ruby was almost in her seat, but the universe was against her as the floor creaked as Ruby tiptoes, causing Oobleck to notice Ruby immediately, and he whirls around to face her, startling her when he calls her name. "Miss Ruby Rose! So glad you could join us! Unfortunately class is nearly over." Oobleck said.

Seeing she couldn't say she was always in class Ruby tries to think of a solid excuse to why she wasn't there. "Oh, well, you see, a- a crazy thing happened before..." Ruby said, still thinking of an excuse. Oobleck uses his speed to cut her off, looming into her personal space authoritatively. "Detention! One day." Oobleck said, raising his index finger.

XXX Time Skip XXX

It was now Thursday afternoon in Oobleck's class and Ruby was once again late for class. Not wanting to get another day of attention she came up with a plan to just walk right in. "So in conclusion-" Oobleck said until something grabbed the class' attention.

The door to the classroom bangs open, revealing Ruby Rose in a face mustache, glasses and a security hat uniform hat. "Hello. I am being exchange student. Also now I am not being late, this is when we get to class in my country." Ruby said in a fake accent to help seal the deal.

Alex looks away from Ruby and looks at Weiss since she was sitting next to her. "Does Ruby really expect all because of a fake mustache, glasses and a hat that she is going to trick Oobleck?" Alex asked Weiss who was reading something in a book.

Using his normal speed, Oobleck is abruptly standing beside Ruby with his hand behind his back. "Ah! Welcome to Beacon!" Oobleck said. Alex's jaw drops as her eyes turn white until the color returns to her eyes as she shakes her head. "Well I'll be damned." Alex muttered.

As Oobleck leans in he then notices something peculiar on Ruby's face. "Hold on, you have a little something on your lip." Oobleck said. He holds up a hand, reaching for her face. "No! Wait!" Ruby said before another one of her plans was foiled.

Oobleck rips the mustache, the glasses and the security hat off in one motion anyway. "Holy cats, my face!" Ruby said in pain. "Detention! Two days." Oobleck said, raising two of his fingers.

XXX Time Skip XXX

This time it is Friday afternoon still in Ooblecks class this time with Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Alex farther along the seats with Yang and Blake still below Weiss and Alex who have swapped seats. Ruby is once again late, but has a new plan to get in that is bound to work.

"In conclusion..." Oobleck said as Ruby was climbing up the wall outside gaining the Professor's attention. "I'll be right back, there's something that requires my attention immediately outside." Oobleck said.

My Chibi Rose: RWBY Chibi Season 1-3: Fem OC X Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now