(S:2 E:19) Steals and Weels

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(3rd POV)

In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBAY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the story as: "RWBAY CHIBI"!

Alex Boops

Nora Valkyrie, Yang Xiao Long, Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose are sitting on the couch next to Alexander Novach who is laying back in a chair, with both legs on one of the arms of the couch and her head on the other one.

Neptune Vasilias walks in at the same time as Alex and Yang release loud belches that shakes the room and catch everyone's attention. Yang looked like she was almost down unlike Alex and soon Yang stopped right before Alex. "See Yang told you I could do it longer." Alex said as Yang huffs.

Neptune turns around with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. "Alex, you are so uncouth." Neptune said. Alex then sat up straight and turned towards Neptune. "What? That is ridiculous. I admit I may not be the most sophisticated woman alive, but that does not mean I am not decultured or anything." Alex said. Alex then gives another loud belch, but this time into her hand. "Note to self next time don't drink too much soda for burp off with Yang." Alex said to herself.

"Hm... you know what your problem is?" Neptune asked, waving the girl off. "Let me guess, I am a damn genius? I am amazing? Got the most beautiful girlfriend ever? The best damn fighter ever? Please, please stop me." Alex said, chuckling at the end. Neptune then turns to Alex, annoyed hearing her say these things. "You're a tomboy." Neptune said.

All of Alex's friends except Neptune(?) have now all white eyes surprised to hear Neptune say that to Alex of all people. "Oh whammers." Yang said. "Care to repeat that comment?" Alex gritted through her teeth as she took out her BO-Staff. "This is gonna be so bad." Yang muttered as colors returned to everyone's eyes. "Uh oh..." Ruby said. "You should try and be more of a lady." Neptune said as Alex charges the sonic amplifier on her weapon.

Neptune zooms in closer to Ruby and gestures to her. "Like Ruby! So sweet, always trying to make others feel good." Neptune said. "Maybe we should talk about something else?" Ruby suggested then started laughing nervously trying to ease the tension coming off Alex even if she wasn't sitting next to her. "Does anybody want a cake? I can make a cake!" Ruby said.

"And Weiss. She's way more cultured than you are." Neptune said, gesturing to the Ice Queen. "It's true, I am." Weiss said. Yang then grabs Weiss' shoulders and shakes, grabbing her attention. "Why do you want him dead?!" Yang asked, shaking her with each word. "And Yang... actually she is only slightly more cultured than you. Slightly." Neptune said, making Yang then glare at him and lose any remorse she had for him.

"Or Nora, the way she boops you on the nose." Neptune said, gesturing to the hammer wielder. "Awww." Nora said, touched by his comment. "Just adorable. Right now, you are not adorable. Like, at all." Neptune said. Alex storms over to Neptune with her weapon all charged up and ready to release a sonic wave.

Neptune then takes out a mirror and looks at his reflection. "Get it together, girl. And who knows, I might even ask you out on a date." Neptune said, pointing his fingers at her full of confidence. Once he notices the look on Alex's face and the end of her sonic amplifier on his chest Neptune adopts an expression of regret before Alex blasts a sonic wave at him that sends him out of the room.

The sound of Neptune striking and breaking something is heard. "Boop." Alex said, putting her BO-Staff away and crossing her arms. After a few seconds of silence Ruby smiles at her seeing Alex go easy on him. "Well I think she's adorable and beautiful." Ruby said. "Ahhh. I think you are adorable too." Alex said before placing a kiss on Ruby's cheek as Yang and Nora smiled at this.

My Chibi Rose: RWBY Chibi Season 1-3: Fem OC X Ruby RoseWhere stories live. Discover now