Chapter 2: LA Baby

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~Haley's POV~

Chapter 2: LA Baby <3

I woke up to my alarm singing "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees. It obviously did NOT start with a whisper... More like a heart attack. I slammed my hand down on the snooze button and rolled out of bed. I went to my bathroom to see the damage. Not bad Haley.... Not bad at all. I started to make stupid faces then remembered the task at hand. I yanked the brush through my wavy blond hair until it was free of tangles. I didn't take a shower because I took one yesterday so I didn't have to get up any earlier than 4:15 a.m. I straightened my bird's nest and grabbed the outfit I laid out on my dresser yesterday.

I went back into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and pulled on my outfit. I was wearing turqoise skinny jeans, a lime green tank top, a cut off t shirt with a blue and green rose on it, yellow converse, and my yellow jacket over it. It was cold here in Kentucky so I also put on a blue scarf. Since yellow was my favorite color, I had a yellow headband with a bow on it and some yellow bracelets. I also slipped on my pink friendship bracelet from Samantha before running downstairs to breakfast.

"Whatcha cookin goodlookin?" I asked my mom in a funny voice. She turned with a smile while I hopped onto the counter.

"Just my daughter's favorite breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and sausage. If only she were here to eat it. I only have a gentleman caller here." she joked in a serious British accent.

"I'm sorry I lied. It's me mommy please give me some!!" I almost shouted while laughing. She laughed and gave me a plate which I had finished in about 15 minutes. I went upstairs to grab my bags along with a bag for Zeke and Noose. I grabbed my iPod and earbuds for the plane as well. I ran into my brother who was coming in my room as I was going out.

"I'm gonna miss ya little sis." He said. I would miss him too. I would also miss my mom. I was going alone because my mom and brother has a fear of heights and didn't want to fly. He pulled me into a hug and I groaned.

"Get off me! I can't breathe!!" I pretended to be losing air quickly. He laughed and let go. I took off downstairs as my brother fell into step behind me, carrying my bags. I gave him one last hug goodbye and got into my car after loading my bags and dogs into their cages. My mom and I had said our godbyes last week so there wouldn't be a big scene when the actual day came. I waved goodbye shouting "I love you all but I must take my leave now!" in a British accent. They laughed through tears as I sped off down the highway.

Once I arrived at the airport, I had to hurry on the plane because I was a little late. The whole plane ride consisted of a few hours. This was my first time on a plane. It was a little scary so I just watched Romeo and Juliet on my iPad from Netflix. Man, I always tear up when Juliet dies.

Soon, I fell asleep, listening to me and Alex's song. I woke up to a flight attendant shaking me awake. I got up and ran out of the airplane. I was looking for my uncle, Tim, when some guy decided it was cool to run in an airport and knocked me over.

"Oh my baby Jesus!" I shouted. I looked up and saw the guy from my dream, laughing at me. That's really awkward. What the heck?! I was so mad I just wanted to put a pickle on a banana and throw a rave party. UGH!

"Watch it Blondey! The next time you run over a sexy girl, she may not be as forgiving as me!" I laughed along with him as he helped me up.

"I'm deeply sorry, your majesty. I didn't realize what had come over me when all that ran through my mind was getting to the nearest hot dog stand. I didn't realize a girl of your hotness was present or I would have bowed before your graces." he stated in a British accent while bowing to me. I did a small curtsy and offered him my hand. He kissed it gently and looked up at me, smiling.

"Aaannnnddddd..... SCENE! That's a wrap people. Take 5!" I yelled. I got some weird stares but who cares? I know I don't. I heard someone from behind me in the crowd call my name.

"I never got your name madam." Blondey said in another British accent. I gave him the most serious look I could muster.

"My name is none of your concern. NOW BE GONE PESANT!" His face fell and I winked at him. He immediatly smiled. "My name is Haley. And you are....?" I smiled.

"I'm Lynch... Ross Lynch." He gave me a serious look while pulling off his sunglasses. Ha-ha very funny. I gave him a small applaud and he bowed. Then he got a bit more serious.

"So, Queen Haley. I would love to have your technological contact information... Or as an American would say "digits"?" he asked in an even more stupid British accent. I gave him a weird look and went to hug him. I secretly slipped a piece of paper with my number on it in his back pocket.

"Check your pockets, Blondey." I smiled and winked and went to meet my uncle. What a cool guy. It was weird that he sounded familiar....

A/N: How was the second chapter? Good, bad, terrible, please stop writing it now? xD Btw they aren't really British. I just thought it would be funny if they talked in fake accents :{D

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