Chapter 26: Aeroplanes

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Chapter 26: Aeroplanes

~Haley's POV~

Today was the day, well the morning. Ross came by at 12:00 a.m. sharp to wake me up.

"Wake up Haley. Come on sweetheart, wake up." he whispered, shaking me gently. My finger connected with his face a few times.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his mouth under my pinky.

"Just looking for the snooze button...." I groaned, "How are you so happy to be up at midnight?" I asked, rolling over to face him.

"I have no snooze button and I'm happy to see you, not get up." he chuckled as he helped me to my feet.

"Well, you sir, are crazy." I said, making my way to the bathroom, Ross trailing closely behind me. 

"Crazy for you baby." he tried his sexy voice while he fished my hairbrush out of the top drawer.

"That was so funny I forgot to laugh." I rolled my eyes, while he ran the brush through my hair. "Why don't you do this everyday?" I added. His reflection's shoulders went up in down in a shrug.

"Why don't you get up at 12:00 a.m. to go to Peurto Rico with me everyday?" he relied sarcastically. Then his eyebrows went up as if remembering something. "I brought you your favorite breakfast by the way.  Scrambled eggs and sausage on a stick wrapped in a pancake and a side of orange juice." he added, running the brush through my hair one last time.

"If I did wake up that early, I'd totally die." I said, grabbing my toothpaste from the same drawer Ross got the brush from.

"Hate to break it to you baby, but you wouldn't die." he said (note sarcasm). I rummaged through the drawer for my toothbrush. I turned just in time to see Ross holding me the toothbrush out for me. 

"Okay, baby. Thanks for the update." I said, taking the toothbrush and turning back to the mirror to brush my teeth. Two could play the sarcasm game.

"Will you be a lamb and wake Uncle Time up for me please?" I asked Ross around the toothbrush in my mouth. He nodded and left the bathroom.

While he was gone, I got a few things accomplished. I got a quick shower, pulled on a loose hanging yellow crop top and some denim shorts, and blow dried my hair before Ross came back into the bathroom, not bothering to knock.

"Your hair looks beatiful. What did you do with it?" Ross asked, admiring my hair.

"I blowdried it... I haven't even brushed it yet." I replied, waving my blowdryer around while I talked.

"I brushed it already though...." he thought.

"Well, sweetie, I just got a shower and blow dried it. It needs to be brushed again." I laughed, handing him the hair brush. He ran the brush through my hair carefully.

"Okay then, Ms.I Have To Have Perfect Hair All The Time." he said sarcastically. Why does he even try to play when I always win?

"It's not like I'm a model or anything. Speaking of models, where was your mom this morning? Your hair looks awful." I smirked at him through the mirror. He just smirked back.

"Wouldn't you like to know." he said, setting the brush back down on the counter. I turned on him, still smirking.

"Nope. I asked not out of curiosity, but to make your ego feel a bit better. Oh wait, you have teenage girls for that. I don't guess they need my help." I retorted coldly but playfully. His face fell as he tried to think of a good come back.

"You win, you win." he said, holding his hands up in surrender. My smirk turned into a smile as I turned back to the mirror and stared at my hair. What should I do with it?

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