Chapter 18: More Hurtful Crap

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Chapter 18: More Hurtful Crap

~Haley POV~

I smiled, seeing Rocky and Samantha. I didn't badger them about it, I just let them be. We spent a fw hours at the beach before we had to go back so Ross could get to the set of Austin and Ally. We drove the back back and then said goodbye to Rachael. We all got in the van and Riker drove us back to their house. Riker dropped Ross off at the set before we headed there.

Once there, I took a nap, tired from the beach. I usually didn't get enough sleep at night anyways. I woke to Rydel, shaking me and saying my name.

"Yeah? What time is it?" I asked sleepily. Rydel had a panicked look on her face.

"What's wrong, Rydel?" I asked, concern creeping into my voice. She had tear brimmed eyes. She shook her head, showing me a picture on her phone. It was of Ross and Laura.... KISSING?! I shook my head, already crying.

"That's fake, Rydel. Please tell me that's fake." I whsipered. 

"Haley, I'm sorry. I went to give Ross some Get Shaved and I walked into his dressing room.... And there they were. I'm so sorry." she whispered.

I felt numb. I felt like I needed to do something, but I couldn't. My heart died then and there. I couldn't take it. I ran out to my car and drove to my house. I ran upstairs and threw myself onto my bed, crying my eyes out. My dogs tried to comfort me, but I just threw them out of my room. I picked up a sharp pen and slid it down my wrist. THAT WAS SO STUPID! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME?! I stumbled down the stairs and grabbed a random bottle from the fridge. It's like I wasn't even controlling myself. It turned out to be alcohol. I drank it and opened abother.

I didn't know what to do or where to go. I blasted my music from my stereo. I made sure the neighbors could hear it, too. I wanted them to be mad and come and start a fight with me. I wanted them to do something to make the pain in my chest stop. I switched the CD to Evanscence. "Bring Me to Life" came on. Perfect, this would get the neighbors to come. I listened as they screeched the lyrics. As it was getting to the first chorus, I heard a knock. FINALLY! I ran downstairs and opened the door. Ross stood there with a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong? Haley, what's that on your arm? What are you drinking?! What's going on Haley?!" he asked, concerned. What a fake.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?!" I screamed. His face fell. He grabbed my arm, noticing the cut in my wrist. I jerked it back and slammed the door in his face. I slid down the door, tears streaming rapidly down my face. "Bring Me to Life" was still playing. Ross opened the door and ran to me, wrapping me in a hug.

I shoved him back and drank the rest of the contents in the bottle. I got up to get another. He stopped me.

"Haley, stop! This is ridiculous! Let me ex-" I cut him off.

"What? Let you explain? I thought you loved me. But you loved her the whole time. You never loved me! How could you do that to me Ross? How could you lead me on like that?!" I scremed at him. "Bring Me to Life" started playing again. I shoved my way past Ross and grabbed another bottle, chugging it. He snatched it away from me. I scowled at him.

"Haley. Please listen to me. If you keep drinking and cutting yourself, you'll die. Please Haley. I'm begging you to stop." he pleaded. I shook my head.

"I'd rather die than be without you Ross." I slurred. I snatched the bottle back from him. He sighed and took my hand. I snatched it back, taking another swig from my bottle.

"Please. Haley, don't." he whispered. The song started again. I sang along with it this time, running upstairs and locking my door. He slammed his fist on it. I changed the song to "Wouldn't Change a Thing" from Camp Rock 2. I sang to Ross through the door.

"It's like he doesn't hear a word I say. His mind is somewhere far away. And I don't know how to get there. It's like all he wants is to chill out." I sang.

"She's way too serious. She's always in a rush." he sang with me.

Me: He makes me wanna pull all my hair out

Ross: and interrupting

Me: Like he doesn't even care

Ross: Like she doesn't even care

Me: You

Ross: Me

Me: We're face to face

"But we don't see eye to eye" we sang together. More tears slid dwn my cheeks.

"Like fire and rain" I sang. He ehoed, "Like fire and rain."

"You can drive me insane" I sang. He echoed, "You can drive me insane."

"But I can't stay mad at you for anything." we sang together. I slid down onto the floor, leaning against the door. I felt him do the same thing.

"We're Venus and Mars." I sang. He echoed, "We're Venus and Mars."

"We're like different stars." I sang. "Different stars" he echoed.

"But you're the harmony to every song I sing. And I wouldn't change a thing." we sang together. I put my hand on the door, wanting for him to hold me. But, I was mad. I crossed my arms as more tears slid down my cheeks.

"She's always trying to save the day. Just wanna let my music play. She's all or nothing, but my feelings never change." he sang.

Ross: I try to read her mind

Me: Why does he try to read my mind?

Ross: She tries to pick a fight

Me: It's not good to phyhcoanalyze.

Ross: To get attention

"That's what all of my friends say" we sang together.

Me: You

Ross: Me

"We're face to face but we don't see eye to eye." we sang and repeated the chorus. 

Ross: When I'm yes, she's no

Me: When I hold on, he just let's go

"We're perfectly imperfect. But I wouldn't change a thing, no." we sang together. We repeated the chorus again. I stood up and opened the door. He ran in and wrapped me in his arms.

"And I wouldn't change a, wouldn't change a thing. we sang together. I wrapped my arms around im and sobbed into his chest. We stayed like that for a long time. He stroked my hair while I cried.

"I love you." I said, tears still stedily rolling down my cheeks.

"I love you, too. More than anything. That kiss with Laura was for the show. I didn't want to. It was a one time thing I promise. I'm so sorry. I should have called you or told you but they made a script change today and it was just so unexp-" I cut him off, crashing my lips with his. I smiled and pulled away.

"I'm gonna go get a band-aid for that." he said. He bounded off into my bathroom, coming back a minute later with some peroxide and a band-aid.

"Hold still. This is gonna hurt a little." he poured the peroxide into my cut. He was wrong, it didn't hurt. IT WAS LIKE WHITE HOT PAIN COURSING THROUGH MY FRIKITY FRACKING VEINS!

"SHIT!" I yelled. He looked at me.

"Sorry. I told you it would hurt." he apoligized. He put the band-aid on it and threw the bottle of alcohol away. After grabbing a quick shower, I fixed my hair and makeup and walked downstairs with Ross. We drove back to the house in silence, holding hands. I'm so glad I had an amazing guy in my life.

A/N: WOAH! Things just got so intense in like one chapter! HOW THE HECK DID NEON TRESS NOT BECOME LLAMAS?! I have no clue. Go ask yo momma :{D Stay beautiful <3 c:

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