Chapter 19: Well Llamas and Toads

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Chaoter 19: Well Llamas and Toads

~Rocky POV~

Saturday Night

Tonight was my date with Samantha. I was so nervous. I tried to play it cool on the outside, but I had a feeling that Riker knew I was flipping out on the outside.

"Well mister sexy and I know it. Nervous much?" Riker asked. I rolled my eyes,

"Me, Rocky Lynch, nervous, for a date? Psh... Should I slick my hair back or leave it hanging?" I asked. He chuckled, shaking his head back and forth slowly.

"Samantha thinks you need a hair cut. I'd slick it back, if I were you." he said. I need a hair cut? Harsh. I shrugged and slicked it back using loads of hair gel. I was finally ready so I pulled my green Converse on and walked out the door, grabbing the keys to the van.

Samantha was at Haley's place, getting ready. I was so nervous. My leg was bouncing as I drove and I couldn't keep my hands from fidgeting. UGH! What has she done to me?

I finally pulled into Haley's driveway after getting lost from being so nervous. After one final look in the rearview mirror, my feet stood in front of Haley's doorway, but I couldn't convince my hand to knock.

Before I could even lift my hand to knock, the door creaked open to reveal Haley, smiling like an idiot. She waved me in and my feet obeyed my commands, moving my body forward and sitting on her couch.

Haley ran back upstairs, mumbling what sounded like cuss words under her breath. I heard "Crazy 4 U" blast out of Haley's room.

"INTRODUCING, SAMANTHA SMITH!" Haley practically screamed, throing rose petals around while decending the stairs. Samantha stood on the top step, looking annoyed as ever. I'm pretty sure my heart just stopped.

She was wearing an R5 t shirt with purple converse and skin tight jeans. That was pretty sexy in my opinion. She laughed when she saw me stand up and fix my hair nervously. She finally walked down the stairs.

"Hello. Ignore that freak show." she said, gesturing widely to Haley. Haley didn't notice the comment, she was too busy air guitaring to "Crazy 4 U". When she noticed us staring at her, she just shrugged it off and shoved us out the door after taking a picture.

"I want her home by at least next Thursday or I'll call the police! Now get outta here, I have a date with Ross in an hour!" she yelled, pushing us towards my car. I laughed and opened Samantha's door for her.

"We should play would you rather." she suggested. 

"Okay, I'll go first. Would you rather dance in the rain with a million dollar dress on or dance in public naked?" I asked her. Her contagious laughter filled the car as she thought.

"I'd probably dance in public naked. It wouldn't cost anything but my dignity." she said. How smart. "Would you rather be a pirate or be a pixelated game character?" she asked. Hmm... they both sounded pretty awesome.

"Game character, I wouldn't want to be hung." I explained. She nodded and we pulled into Red Lobster. I helped her out of the car and we walked in.

"Table for dose." I said to the guy worker person. He rolled his eyes and led us to a booth in the back. We slid in and ordered drinks.

"What happened between you and Justin?" I asked, curious as to why she even agreed to come here.

"He was kissing his ex. I told him never to talk to me again and he didn't even try." she explained, a hint of hurt in her voice. She shrugged it off like it was no big deal, but I saw right through her act. A silent tear slid down her cheek. She went to wipe it away but I beat her to it.

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