Chapter 33: The Question

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Chapter 33: The Question I've Been Waiting For???

~Haley POV~

It's three years later. I'm 20 now and Ross is 21 (show off cough cough). I don't know what ran through Samantha's head, but she picked Justin over Rocky. I know, crazy right? Rocky went to the army after the breakup to get his head straight. (Blowing people's heads off will keep your head straight, right?) He was coming home soon but we didn't know the exact date. Ross' movie was a big hit. They're working on the prequal now (they did the sequel already). Someone took a video of me singing at the R5 concert and put it on the Internet. It went viral and now, let's just say I can't step foot outside of my house without being mobbed by fans. Today, Ross had to leave early to go shoot the movie (like 3 a.m. early) (did I mention that Ross and I live together now?). Now that you're updated, back to the present.

I'm just lying in bed, flipping through tv channels, hoping something good comes on. So far, I've found that Finding Bigfoot is really cool. My phone starts singing "Lucky" by Jason Mraz, meaning Ross is calling.

"Hey babe." I anwer.

"Hey beautiful. I'm working a little late. I'm gonna be here till like, two. Some guy got sick so we had to work around that." he says. I can hear a lot of voices in the background and someone yelling about the penguins running away.

"Okay. Bring me coffee on your break. I need energy if I'm going to step out of this house." I tell him, taking a big sigh.

"Will do. I'll be there in like 30 minutes or so. Love you." he says and hangs up.

"Love you too." I say to nobody in particular since he had already hung up.

I curl up in my blanket and grab my book from the night stand. I'm reading Divergent by Veronica Roth. I have to say it's pretty good. I'm reading about some training they're doing when I get a text from my manager.

From: Daisy the Manager

Happy birthday! Love you! Don't forget your CD signing at 11. 


To: Daisy the Manager

Thanks. I honestly forgot all about my birthday. But yeah, I'll be there . Ross is coming home late so I might be a little bit late... Sorry in advance.

~Haley Piers~

From: Daisy the Manager

Okay. Just make sure you're there and presentable. 


I set my phone on my nightstand and flip the tv off. I walk to the bathroom to make myself "presentable". After I get my shower, I pull on a revealing short, tight red dress with the sides cut out. I pair it with red heels and add some red lipstick. As soon as I'm done, I hear the door open and close and keys being thrown on the table.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ross calls through the house. I walk to the living room and throw my arms around his neck to kiss him.

"I missed you. I had to watch Finding Bigfoot for three hours." I tell him, breaking away from the kiss. He hands me coffee and pulls his jacket off, throwing it on the coat rack.

"I got you coffee to make up for it though." he says, flopping down on the couch. I roll my eyes and sit on his lap.

"Do you know what day it is?" I ask sweetly, batting my eyelashes at him.

"Friday?" he asks, sipping his own coffee. I glare at him.

"No. Think a little bit harder." I scold him.

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