Chapter 25: Peurto Rico Baby!

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Chapter 25: Peurto Rico Baby!

Ross POV

"OOOOW!" I woke up to Haley screaming something about monkey poop on a unicorn's horn. Sounds like her. I sat up and looked at Haley.

"Sorry... I hit my elbow on the nightstand." she apologized. I laughed a kissed her cheek.

"What time is it?" I said sleepily. She giggled cutely... Why? Don't ask me.

"Your sleepy voice is sexy. And it's 4:30 a.m." she said. I stood up and picked her up from the bed, standing her up too. We turned in a slow circle to nonexsistant music. 

"Awwww!" Rydel whisper shouted from the doorway. I flipped her off.

"Me-Ow! Fine grouchy.." she said before leaving. We never stopped dancing. Then Samantha came in and we jumped apart.

"You guys ready to start packing our frikkity frack?!" she shouted, probably waking up the whole house. Haley grabbed her keys and headed to her car in her pajamas. I don't think she ralized it, but then again, she was Haley... I silently followed her in my pajamas as well.

"We're going to my house to ack my things then we'll come back here. When do we leave again?" she thought out loud.

"Tomorrow. 1:30 a.m." I said matter-of-factly. Her eyes were wide.

"JESUS HOLY COW MILK!" she yelled. We finally pulled into my house but I hadn't stopped laughing. We rushed into her room and started packing everything but her bed.

"Also we need this... and this.... let's not forget this... I FORGOT I EVEN HAD THIS! IT'S SO CUTE!" she exclaimed, holding a bikini up to her body. I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"Sexy." I said simply. She rolled her eyes and threw it back in her drawer. I snuck it back inside the suitcase when she wasn't looking though. 

"Can you go and get my makeup bag?" she asked. 

"Yes ma'am." I said and obidiantly went t the bathroom and fetched the bag. When I got back, she had another bag already packed.

"Finally! How long does it take to get a bag?!" she joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Ha.Ha. Very funny. You done?" I asked her. She double checked the bag she was packing and slowly nodded her head.

Being the good boyfriend I am, I hoisted the bags over my shoulder, slinging Haley over my other shoulder, and marched down the stairs.

"Ross put me down!" she laughed and screamed like a girl. I just set her down in the driver's seat and put her bags in the back. 

"Your wish is my command babay." I said, wiggling my eyebrows at her with a smirk on my face.

She pushed my face away with her hand and started the car. I already knew what was coming next so I covered my ears as she blasted the music up to the highest it could go. I rolled my eyes playfully at her. She shrugged and drove towards my house.

When we got there, Samantha had beaten us. We saw her car parked in the driveway. She was still in it.... with Rocky. Imagine that. We both climbed out of the car and headed to my room.

"Since I know you are no good at packing, let me pack for you." she said. I shrugged and left her to it. I walked downstairs to see my mom and dad walking in the door.

"MOM! DAD!" I screamed, running up to hug them. Everyone ran downstairs, even Haley, and soon enough, we were all hugging.

"I thought you guys weren't supposed to get back for a few more days?" Riker said. 

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