Chapter 39: Hangovers Are Awesome

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Chapter 39: Hangovers Are Awesome

~Ross POV~

Haley was so drunk last night. I could barely make out what she was saying. Then she said she missed me. UGGGHHH. I missed her too. I guess I was being a bit irrational.... But I wouldn't be the one to admit it.

The next morning, I was up bright and early. Haley and Rydel were still asleep. I wonder why. I can't believe Haley drank so much. I also can't believe they gave her alcohol. It must have been one of the clubs that don't care how old you are.

A few hours later, Haley came walking quietly down the stairs with all her clothes in hand. When she spotted me, Riker, and Rocky sitting in the kitchen, she sighed.

"I thought I could sneak out while you guys were asleep. Apparently nobody sleeps until 12:30 p.m." she says.

"Can we talk?" I ask. She stands there like a deer in headlights.

"I don't think that's a good idea...." her voice trails off.

"Haley, please..." I plead. Riker awkwardly back out of the kitchen and to the living room.

"Ross I-I... It's not that I don't want to make things right. It's just... I don't know... Maybe we should take a break..." she says hesitantly. A break? The words wouldn't process through my mind. Maybe in movies that happened, but not in real life... Does it?

"A break? I thought you loved me and now you want to take a break?" I ask, my eyes filling with tears.

"I know... We've both made mistakes. But after last night... Ross I really don't want to hurt you... You know that." she says, her eyes clouding over. They always do that when she's upset or nervous.

"Please. Don't do this. I love you. What do I have to do to prove it?" I asked, walking over to her and taking her hands in mine. She snatches them away, pulling her jacket sleeves over her hands.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be." she whispers, looking into my eyes for the first time.

"Haley... I can't live without you." I held on to the one strand of hope the she couldn't live without me either. She wiped a few tears from her faces and sniffles. She stands on her tip-toes and kisses my cheek lightly then walks out the front door, leaving only a hollow shell of what used to be our relationship behind.

~Haley POV~

I just broke up with Ross... What was I thinking? Am I stupid? What's wrong with me?!

I ran to my car and climbed in the driver's seat, fumbling around with my keys. After fiddling with the stupid thing for a few second, the keys fell on the car seat. I busted out in tears, losing control of my composure.

Stupid keys. I contained my sobs and picked the keys up, calmly turning them in the ignition. I drove to my house and broke down in my room. My uncle wasn't home because he had a business thing back in Kentucky for a week.

What seemed like a few hours later, I controlled myself and got on Twitter from my laptop. Ross hadn't posted anything. No surprise there. I decided that I shouldn't sit around and feel sorry for myself. I should go out and not let myself drown in tears and guilt.

I pick up my phone and call Samantha.

"Hello?" she picks up on the third ring. About time.

"Pick me up in 20 minutes. We're going to the mall. Asap." I say then hang up.

I hurry and get dressed in fresh clothes. I wear a sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. My hair is in a ponytail already from puking this morning, so I leave it. I don't bother with makeup, I just put on sunglasses. In 20 minutes more or less, Samantha honks. I grab my new phone and walk outside to the car.

"Someone just crawled out of the depths of hell." she says as I climb in the car.

"Someone is also heartbroken since she just broke up with the love of her life." I mumble in an empty voice.

"Oh my God! Well, we can always splurge." she says. I give her an unenthusiastic thumbs up as she starts the car and starts the drive to the stupid mall.


"This is cute." Rydel says, holding up a strapless yellow top with white stripes. Rydel has come shopping with us an hour after we got to the mall. We've been here for a while so it's almost closing time, 9:45 p.m.

"You know who has that exact same shirt though... With sleeves." I tell her. She slowly puts it back and picks up another one.

"I meant this one." she says, holding up a t-shirt with a big smiley face on it.

"Nice save." Samantha says, her back turned to us while searching through a pile of jeans.

"Thanks." Rydel says sarcastically. She puts the top back and sighs, "I need to get home for band practice. Can you drive me? I took a taxi here."

"Sure. Actually I have to get home anyways. I'm going to clean up the house a bit and take a nap." I say. I actually didn't want to clean or take a nap. I was lying so I could go home and cry my eyes out more and eat chocolate ice cream.

"Sounds like a plan." Samantha says. We walk back to Samantha's car and she drops me off first. Thank God.

I lock the door behind me and flop onto the couch. I see a light coming from the dark hallway... I didn't turn any lights on... I walk to the edge of the hallway and peek through. Nobody is there. I tip-toe through the hall and look through the guest bedroom. Nobody there. I better check the bathrooms and the bedrooms to be safe though...

I creep into the bathroom quietly and peek in.... Nothing. I grab a metal baseball bat quietly from the little hall closet and make my way upstairs. Nothing in either of the upstairs bathrooms. Nothing in my uncle's bedroom.... I make my way slowly and silently towards my room, readying the bat above my head. I see a dark figure standing just inside my room, looking around the room.

I raise the baseball bat above my head and swing as hard as I can. Obviously I'm not fast enough because a hand reaches out and stops the bat before it can hit anything but empty air. The hand yanks the baseball bat away from me and cups my mouth, holding me against a male body.

"Shh. It's me." a familiar voice says. Who is that? I bite the hand so it lets go. The voice curses under it's breath as I flick on the lights. Riker is standing there, shaking his hand from the pain.

"Riker! What are you doing here?! I could have killed you!" I shout, hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and lets out a sigh of relief. Relief? Maybe because I almost killed him....

"I came here because I heard about you and Ross... And ya know..." he mutters.

"So when your brothers break up with a girl, you sneak into their rooms while they're away and scare them half to death? You seem to have an odd choice of hobbies Riker." I say, crossing my arms and jutting my hip out. Out of habit, not sarcasm if you were wondering.

"It's not like that. I don't do this with all the girls my brothers break up with... Only you." he mutters, peeking at me from behind his blonde locks.

"Riker you're scaring me...." I say playfully. He smiles at me and flips his hair away from his eyes.

"So... What I wanted to tell you something and I don't really know how to say it." he says, sounding unsure about himself.

"Now you're really scaring me." I say seriously.

"Don't be scared. I mean, you probably already know what I'm going to say but..." his voice trails off, leaving me to guess the rest, his head hung low as his eyes met the ground.

"Alright Riker what's going on?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Why don't you tell me." he says. With that, he leans down slowly, cupping my face with his hand. I don't want this! Wait a minute...

"Riker I really don't want to tell you what I'm thinking right now. Because, I kind of have the impression that you want to kiss me. And we both know that'd be stupid!" I rush. He stops and smiles at me.

"Why would I kiss you? I have a girlfriend. Plus, you're like my little sister," his smile grows as he leans away.

"Then why were you leaning in?" I ask suspiciously.

"To be honest, I was trying to read your diary so I can get some ideas for a song I'm writing. Sorry, but you're a girl. You know what girls like." he shrugs, his face crumpling in guilt.

"You could just ask me you know..." I say, looking behind me at my nightstand... Good, he didn't touch my diary. Then his phone started ringing. He checked his caller ID, then put his fingers to his lips.

"Hey Ross." he said, putting the phone on speaker so I could hear. He's such a good hypothetical brother.

"Hey. Umm... Can you come home?" he asks through sniffles. Is he crying?

"I'm kinda busy Ross. What do you need?" he looks at me awkwardly.

"I don't know what to do with myself. And I'm really confused. I don't know if I'm seeing straight. And I'm pretty sure I'm not breathing. I can call Rocky though. Thanks anyways man." he says through choked back sobs and more sniffles. He's definitely crying.

"I'd love to come help you, but I can only deal with one heartbreak at a time." Riker mutters.

"Who are you with?" he asks.

"I'm with Rydel at the mall. She's lonely. She misses that kid from back in Colorado. But, if you want, I can swing by Haley's house." Riker lies smoothly, shrugging even though Ross can't see him.

"Poor Rydel. Please don't go see Haley. I'll talk to her later." he says quickly. At least he wants to talk to me face to face...

"Alright. I'll tell her you said that." Riker replies. His eyes widen like he didn't mean to tell him that.

Ross' voice gets higher as he speaks, "Are you with Haley?"

"N-No. I'm with Rydel." he says quickly.

"Let me talk to her... Off speaker phone!" Ross demands. I take the phone and turn speaker off.

"H-Hello?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. It doesn't work so well.

"Haley," he sighs in relief, "please come to our house and we can work this out. I'll get on my knees if I have to!"

I sigh loudly, "Since you're trying to be the mature adult I guess I can be mature about your maturity and come over."

He chuckles sadly, "Be here in 20."

"Alright... Bye," I say and hang up, not waiting for a response. I give Riker back his phone, "I'm going to your house. I'd stay out of there for a while if I was you. When I 'work things out' there's usually a lot of yelling."

"Okay. I'll warn the others," he says, texting everyone a group message.

We walk out of my house and he gets into his car as I get into mine. I give him a little wave and pull out. This was going to be a long night.


Once I get to the house, I walk right in. No real sense in knocking. Plus, I haven't seen Ross since this morning when we broke up. That's a long time for us.

"Ross!" I call throughout the house. Before I know it he's standing in front of me, looking down at his feet. I cautiously close the door and walk slowly towards him.

"Hey," he says shyly.

"Don't be shy. I came here to talk and if you're gonna whisper everything like you just did, then I won't be able to hear you," I joke. He smiles slightly and leads me into the game room, sitting on the pool table. I sit beside him, dangling my feet over the edge.

"So..." he says awkwardly. This is gonna be a very long night.....

A/N: Sorry to leave you hanging! You guys are probably tired of me not uploading even though I have Internet back, but I get distracted easily! SORRY! I love you all! Stay Beautiful guys <3 c:

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