Chapter 16: Broken Hearts and Duct Tape

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Chapter 16: Broken Hearts and Duct Tape

~Samantha POV~

I ended up driving to the beach, turning around, and driving to the Lynch house. I perked up a bit as my favorite song came on. I jammed out for a few minutes to "Say You'll Stay" by none other than R5. Haley had gotten me hooked when she started liking them forever ago.

I finally got to the Lynch house as they were driving off. I just folloed them to the concert, trying not to seem like a crazy stalker lady. When we arrived, they started onloading. The weird thing is that they were all dressed alike. I mean that was typical for R5 but including Haley in it was kinda weird.

I shrugged it off and grabbed a few mic stands. Rocky, who was already carrying two guitars, grabbed them from me, winking and smiling like an idiot. I crossed my arms, smiling at him. What a gentleman. I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket.

From: JB <3

hey spot wht u doin? miss u :)


I deleted the heart from his contact name and sent a sarcastic filled reply.

To: Justin

Just wondering why who I thought was my best friend would kiss his ex girlfriend and not tell me about it. I thought we were gonna be something Justin. I don't wanna talk to you. Ever again. Don't reply to this text and never ever talk to me again.

~Rock Me~

I walked backstage and sat down on an amp-looking thingy. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, which I quickly wiped away. I saw two pairs of feet with Converse on. Then I heard whispering and one pair of Converse disappeared. 

"You okay?" asked a familiar husky voice. I looked up, already knowing who it was.

"Yeah, Rocky. I'm fine. You guys are gonna rock it tonight... By the way, why was Haley wearing the same clothes as you guys?" I asked, suspicion creeping in my voice. He just smiled.

"She agreed to do a few songs with us. She's an amazing singer, ya know." he explained. I nodded, knowing the many talents of Haley. Of course they knew her voice was amazing. She wasn't afraid to show it either. She was always more outgoing than me. Rocky handed me a plastic Solo cup. 

"Why do I have this?" I asked. Rocky glanced at the cup he had just placed in my hand.

"We're doing the "Cup Song" from Pitch Perfect. All VIPs get a cup so they can join in, if they know it. As far as I'm concerned, you're VIP." he winked at me and went to the dressing room behind the stage. I got up and followed him. trying to remember the pattern to the "Cup Song".

I thought I had gotten it when I walked in to Riker and Haley teaching everyone else. Turns out, I was wrong, I had the wrong pattern in my head. I sat down, following Haley and Riker's moves, trying to keep up with the beat. It seemed easier than it looked. Once everyone had it, we screwed around.

Haley joined the boys and Rydel in a dancing competition while I filmed. Then Haley was reading a fan fiction about Ross to everyone and she said the word "making" wrong. Everyone looked at her like she was stupid then bust out laughing.

By the time it was show time, we had all gotten plenty of a sugar rush from some candy that some stage director brought us. We all put our hands in. 

"We're gonna have an AMAZINGLY AWESOME show tonight and we're gonna rock it. Ready?" Haley said. 

"Ready, Set, Rock!" we all chanted. Rydel and Haley screamed at the same time and they ran onto the stage. Haley looked pretty pumped for her first show. 

"Hey guys! This is our friend, Haley. She's gonna be singing with us tonight. We're changing things up a bit tonight. VIPs I hope you're ready." Riker shouted as the band sat down on the ground with multicolored Solo cups. The VIPs sat down too. Haley and Riker started off, patting out the beat with their cups. The band and the VIPs joined in. Then Haley started singing.

"I got my ticket for the long way round." Haley sang

"Long way round" Riker and Rocky sang. Ross smiled at Haley.

"Two bottle whiskey for the way. And I sure would like some sweet company. And I'm leavin tomorrow what do ya say?" Haley sang. Ross, Riker, Rocky, Rydel, and Ratliff picked it up, singing with her. They never lost the beat of the song with the cups.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." they all sang.

"You're gonna miss me by my hair, you're gonna miss me everywhere. Oh, You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Ross and Haley sang. Everyone immediately fell quiet. 

"I got my ticket for the long way round." Ross sang. 

"Long way round." Riker and Haley sang. Rydel glanced at me, giving me a smile. I smiled back.

"The one with the prettiest of views. It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers. But it sure would be prettier with you." Riker sang loudly.

"When I'm gone, when I'm gone. You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." they all sang again, in perfect harmony.

"You're gonna miss me by my walk, you're gonna miss me by my walk. Oh, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Haley and Riker sang. The band stopped playing the cups, except for Haley. The VIPs all stopped playing too, falling quiet so they could hear Haley.

"Oh, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone." she sang. She stopped playing and the crowd went wild. They were all screaming her name. She smiled, walking over to Ross and hugging him for a bit too long. She high fived everyone else.

Ross, Haley, and Rocky grabbed a guitar from a guy off stage and slung them around their necks. Riker got his bass. Haley's guitar was a yellow, heart-shaped electric. I had to admit, it looked pretty damn sexy. Pardon my language. Actually, no DON'T pardon my language. I don't feel like being pardoned. 

They all started playing "Want You Bad". Haley didn't sing for the next few songs until they played "Cali Girls". She loved that one.

She joined in the chorus but that was about it. When they finshed the newer songs, Ross and Haley grabbed their mics off their stands and came up front. Riker and Rocky backed up, moving their mic stands back.

They started singing "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri and Steve Kazee. Awwww. When they finished, the crowd was dead silent.

Haley and Ross leaned in slowly and kissed. It was sweet until they jumped apart from the crowd busting out in a synchronized "AWWWWWWW". They were so cute together. They sang a few more songs and said goodnight to the crowd.

"You guys totally rocked it!" I shouted over the crowd as they came off the stage. Ross and Haley were too busy holding hands, enjoying each other's company wo notice my comment. Everyone high fived and walked over to the signing table.

It was ordered: Ratliff, Rocky, Ross, Haley, Rydel, and Riker from left to right. They signed a lot of pictures and phones. Haley even signed some guy's six pack. Some girls gave her a stuffed animal and took a picture with her and Ross. 

Everyone seemed to like the whole Raley thing. It made me happy to know Haley had a good guy in her life that wouldn't hurt her.

A/N: :{D I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry it's a little late. I'm working hard at school and Twitter won't leave me alone when I start writing! FORGIVE MEEE xD I love you all! Stay beautiful c: <3

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