Chapter 32: Climbing To The Top Just To Fall To The Bottom

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Chapter 32: Climbing To The Top Just To Fall To The Bottom

~Rocky POV~

"What?" Samantha answers on the third ring.

"Samantha. Where are you?" I ask, sighing in relief.

"Sorry I forgot to check with you dad." she says sarcastically.

"Oh come on. I'm sorry. I don't know what it's going to take to get you to see that. What do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg?" I ask.

"What's wrong?" a familiar male voice says in the background.

"No. I gotta go. Bye." she says in a rushed voice, then hangs up.

I slam my fist against the wall. Who in the world was that? His voice sounded so familiar... Justin. But what was he doing in Peurto Rico? What have I done this time?

"Hey little bro." someone says from the door. I realize it's Riker.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my head hung low.

"Just here to solve all your girly problems. I also want my air matress back but I have no clue where Ross put it. It disappeared! We should investigate! Come Rocky!" he says, looking around my room for the inflatable bed.

"What happened to solving my problems?" I ask, chuckling quietly.

"Mine are more important right now. Chill Rocky. We'll get to yours eventually. I think Ross put it somewhere upstairs... Is there a hall closet here?" he asks, looking into the hallway.

"What a brother. Worried about his air matress rather than my girl problems." I say sarcastically.


"Cool your jets bro. I'm pretty sure air matresses aren't the key to survival." I tell him, removing his hands from my shoulders. He juts his hip out, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then you tell me what is." he says, a serious look in his eye. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"How about water, food, oxygen, shelter, clothing, warmth?" I say, ticking them off on my fingers.

"Sure sure. Whatever you say Rocky. Just exclude air matresses like they're no big deal. I'll be sure that "Died from lack of air matress" is on your tombstone." he says, using air quotes.

"Is there a reason you're in here or do you just want me to help you find your air matress?" I ask.

"First things first. Here's our to-do list: One: find my air matress. Two: deal with your girly hormonal emotions. Three: make another to-do list because that's all I got." he says, ticking them off on his fingers.

"Okay. Fine. I'll help you find your stupid air matress." I say standing up.

"Don't talk about it like it's not here. It could be close enough to hear you you know." he says like I'm the stupidest person ever.

"Sorry air matress wherever you are." I say, rolling my eyes.

"Now about that hall closet..." Riker says, going out into the hallway.

"To the right. Take about three steps and there it is." I tell him. He follows my instructions and opens the hall closet. He comes up empty handed.

"Not there." he says, shrugging.

"Maybe ask Ross?" I suggest. He nods and heads downstairs, looking around for Ross, me following behind him.

We find him in the living room dancing with Haley. They're holding onto each other, turning in a slow circle to "Little Things" by One Direction.

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