Chapter 14: The Girlfriend

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Chapter 14: The Girlfriend 

~Samantha's POV~

After we got to Justin's house, we talked, laughed, and had a jam session until about 10:00 p.m. because my aunt texted me saying she ants me home. Justin drove me home because I didn't have my car, Jagger. My car was a grey, sexy, amazing Mustang. Justin was jealous of him ever since I got him for my 16th birthday. Then again he did have a Benz... What's there to be jealous about? I ran upstairs and checked my social networking frikkity frack. Twitter was blowing up with one picture of Justin and this girl making out. It was probably me.... I pulled up the picture, just to make sure. It was me... it looked terrible... but it was me. I got a text from Rocky.

From: Rockster

Hey Sam :D What's up?


To: Rockster

Hey... Just checking the social networking and chizz... :)

~Rock Me~

From: Rockster

Sounds fun... You busy Friday night?


To: Rockster

Not that I know of why???

~Rock Me~

From: Rockster

Me. You. Red Lobster. 7:30?


To: Rockster

Okay. How did you know I like Red Lobster?

~Rock Me~

From: Rockster

Okay cool.... What can I say? I am an amazing eavesdropper ;)


 I rolled my eyes and we texted for about 25 minutes before I had to go to sleep. I needed some rest before the photo shoot and the concert with R5 and Haley tomorrow. I rolled over on my bed and was immediatley overtaken by sleep.


"This is my oath to you" Cher Lloyd sang from my phone. I answered but before I even got the chance to say hello....

"THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL! WAKE UP NOW OR WE'LL HAVE TO KICK YOU IN THE NECK!" Ross and Haley screamed into the phone. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I'd rather not have my neck kicked thank you." I repllied. "I'm up. I'm getting in the shower now... BYE LOVE BIRDS!" I screamed through the phone before hanging up and getting in the shower. Once out of the shower, I pulled on a purple Hollister cut off shirt and Hollister denim short shorts. I matched my belt to my top and pulled my redish brownish hair into a side ponytail. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram after I put on my makeup and perfume. Finally, ready and rarin' to go, I ran out the door, grabbing my purse and keys on the way out. I climbed into Jagger and revved the engine. I backed out and literally sped down the highway to the photo shoot. I usually speed on my way to... well.... anywhere. I grabbed my shades from the glove compartment and pushed them onto my head. I jammed a bit to the radio until I pulled into the studio's parking lot. I immediately saw Ross and Haley, his arm around her waist, walking into the building. I smiled and grabbed my bag. I climbed out and ran into the building. Haley was already taking pictures with Ross... in a bikini might I add.

"Now think about your first kiss." Trina said, winking at Haley. She blushed a bit, then smiled, clinging onto Ross whos hands were resting on her waist on either side. I noticed a ring on her finger...? Uhh... WHAT?! I caught Haley's eye and pointed to my finger. She shrugged her "I'll tell you later" shrug and went back to posing with Ross. 

"Now Ross... kiss her!" Trina almost shouted. She winked at Haley who smiled. They leaned in and kissed.... a bit too long....and a bit longer... Okay it was just awkward now... They finally came up for air... not like they were making out. They were just pressing their lips together, which was sweet! :D

"Overachievers much?" I asked. Ross laughed while Haley blushed.

"We had to make sure we got the shot!" Ross said, walking over to the screen where the pictures taken were displayed. "I don't think we got any good ones. We should probably kiss again, just to make sure." he said, analyzing the picture. He took his shirt off and went back over to Haley. Trina rolled her eyes.

"Actually we probably should take some of Ross shirtless since this is the swimwear portion." she said thoughtfully. Why she gave him what he wanted? Don't ask me... On a scale from 1-10, Haley's blushing rate was about a 192. Ross took her hand and it instantly went away.

"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Trina and I cooed as she snapped a quick picture. They were too busy staring at each other to notice our girliness. They kissed again... longer than neccessry again. Trina made sure to get plenty of pictures this time. Ross raised an eyebrow once they came up for air.

"We should probably do that one again huh? I didn't feel that one." he said, smiling like an idiot. Trina rolled her eyes again and shook her head, motioning for Ross to get off the set for some solo shots of Haley. Haley was posing pretty sexily (if that's a word) when I got a tweet saying URGENT PLEASE SEE THIS SAMANTHA! I pulled the picture up on my Instagram and saw Justin... kissing Selena Gomez.... on the lips.... it was taken today...

The next thing I knew, my phone was thrusted into Ross' hands and I was speeding down the highway, not knowing where I was going, with tears streaming down my cheeks, and the radio blaring as high as I could get it.

A/N: AWWWW! Poor Samantha! Sorry but something had to happen. I was afraid it was getting boring. Sorry about lying about posting two or three chapters yesterday. I got sidetracked. I'll TRY to post one more chapter tonight but I have a test to study for so FORGIVE ME IF I DON'T! Stay beautiful! c: <3

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