Chapter 3: The Planned Surprise

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Chapter 3: Planned Surprise

~Ross POV~

One word: WOW. How did I run into a girl like her while trying to get to a hot dog stand? Am I lucky? Yes... Yes I am. I started running to catch up with Riker and Rocky at the hot dog stand outside the airport. Once I got there, Riker turned and held up his hand for a high five. Let's just say he got rejected.

"So, little bro, you get her number?" he asked with a stupid smile on his face. Really?

"Yeah I did. So?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed. Rydel ran up to us with her tripod.

"So, boys, what are we talkin bout?" she asked in a funny voice while recording us eat hot dogs. I took the tripod from her and filmed myself, flirting with the camera a bit. I blew some kisses towards it then winked at it and gave it back, smiling.

"Well, Rocky and I are eating hot dogs. Ross is pretending that your camera is the girl he just met." He wiggled his eyebrows at Rydel who just laughed. She walked off to film Ratliff doing some crazy dance with his hot dog. I took out my phone and Haley's number from my back pocket.

I quickly saved Haley's number as "Haley<3". I went back to text her, hoping it wasn't too soon....

To Haley<3

Hey Haley! It's Ross. I found your number myseriously in my back pocket...? ;)


I quickly added my signature, hoping she thought it was funny.

From: Haley<3

Hey Ross...I am magic ya know? :{D I have a question for you.


To: Haley<3

Now I can say I'm friends with a magician and not be lying! Yes! And your question is?


From: Haley<3

Wanna come to my photo shoot at Hollister today? They need an extra guy so I thought a blond like you would be perfect. They somehow know who you are and would love to have you :{D


To: Haley<3

Yeah sure. You got time, date, and place?


From: Haley<3

Yay!! 12:30 pm 2morrow. I'll pick you up. See ya tomorrow. Goodnight c;


To: Haley <3

Okay see ya there. Goodnight my queen :)


I looked up from my phone. Riker was staring at me like I had two heads. He broke into a smile and winked at me. I gave him a confused look and headed towards the van. I can't believe I met such a cool girl. And she got me a job as a Hollister model? Amazing day today.

Once we got home, I ran to me and Ry's (Ryland) bedroom and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

~Haley POV~

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