Part 5

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Authors Note: -

Kinda having to put it up here for this part as there's a part in the story that I kinda wrote in Scottish slang words. There's only 2 in there but I need to tell you the meanings of them;

Stoating: - means to wander around aimlessly. It basically means that your all over the place.

Aboot: - means about basically. It's how us Scottish say it in a way.

Anyway enjoy kinda and I'll see you all soon


P.P.S Thank you for the reads also :) it means a lot to have people reading my story. So thank you once more :) 


Part 5: -

William’s POV

Wait what? She’s dying. Oh god. I know you can get terminal cancer but she doesn’t deserve the hurt. Oh gosh. I have no idea what the hell to say because I too know what this is like, hiding it. Keeping it a secret from everyone. I did it, to my family for months. I took a deep breath inwards and held it until I could think of something.

“How long do you have?” I asked. I know it was nosy of me to do so but she’s too beautiful to die, there has to be something that the doctors can do to save her.

“Roughly about 6 months left. I don’t have terminal cancer but I’m too stubborn to get the right help to make me better so I’ve just admitted defeat”

“Ella, why don’t you want to get better?”

“William, I have no one. The boy I’m madly in love with is gone; I had to let him go. I lost my child at 16 and my best friends don’t seem to notice how weak I actually am becoming. They just think I’m losing weight over the whole ex-boyfriend thing but it’s not. I am actually sick”

“Ella, it doesn’t have to be that way. Look, if it helps, I’ll come with you to the doctors and let them explain the procedure of the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy. Ella, it doesn’t hurt. Yes you’ll lose your hair but they easily give you a wig if you want one”

“William, I already have a wig. I’ve been through my first batch of chemotherapy. I’m too scared to go back for the second. I just feel like it’ll make me worse instead of better”

“Ella, I’ve been through my first too. I’m going for second batch soon; if you go back you’ll be with me which means we can be buddies. I understand that you don’t want to but Ella, think about the future, surely you want children and to be married. I know the children topic is a sore point for you but think about it realistically you want to shower someone in love something your parents didn’t do. I know it’s a sore point also but just think realistically about everything”

“William, it’s not so easy to think about the future because the more I think about it, the more I realise I probably won’t be here. And the more I think about children, the more I think about my baby that I lost and the more I think about getting married, the more I think about Micky. Micky and I had all these plans to get married when we were older, having a lot of children and just enjoy life but its one big revolving circle and I can’t get myself out of it”

“Ella, push Micky to one side for now and think about now. It’s your life, not his. You two aren’t joined at the hip anymore. You are your OWN person and that’s all that matters. Don’t worry about Micky, live your OWN life. Get better for YOU and no one else. I’m pretty sure your little brother would love to see you around for a few more years. I’m not using that as an excuse for you to get the treatment but think about it Ella. There are people who would love for you to be around for a while, I know I don’t know you but I would love for you to be around for a little while longer. I want to see you go into adulthood. That might sound creepy but I do, you deserve it. After everything you’ve been though, you deserve that happiness” I know that was sappy but everyone deserves their silver lining. I deserved mine and Ella deserved us. No teenager deserves to be put through the unlikely battle with cancer, heck no one even deserves to have it. I just hope that my little brother Luke doesn’t get it. However knowing that cancer in my family is heredity then there’s a slim chance of him getting it. It’s painful.

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