Part 25

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A/n: -

The description of ___ when you read it's made up of two ___ where I got my idea from :) (sorry not giving much away) 


I'm gonna dedicate this to DansDimples because her comment from last night (saw it this morning) put a smile of my face so thank you :) 

But Happy reading :) 


Part 25: -

Micky’s POV


I was terrified to look on Twitter in case they were saying nasty things about me and as to whether people were unfollowing me or what. I also knew Greg and Dan were worried but I just want her here, healthy and happy because I know I’m being a miserable old sod. And I’m not even old.

   I was laid in Ella’s bed staring at the two pictures from the twitcam. She hadn’t changed, not in the years I’ve known her. She still had her baby features, her childish ways and her happy energetic personality. I think that’s what I love about her, is the fact that she doesn’t change who she is for anyone, she remains pure to herself. She doesn’t care what’s said about her, she’s still herself no matter what.

“Hey Micky” Lottie said while knocking on Ella’s bedroom.

“Hey, I won’t bite Lottie”

“I know, I wanna apologise though”

“About what?”

“Your fans might hate me and you, I don’t know. After you told the story about you and Ella being best friends for 16 years and the fact you’ve been in love for years too, some people believed you while others were saying nasty stuff. I lost it when people were saying nasty stuff”

“Lottie, let them believe what they want but if they don’t believe the story or the pictures then that’s their problem but we all know the truth and that’s all that matters”

“How can you be so sane throughout all this?”

“Lottie, I have to put a mask up when out in public but I remain sane because if I start then I won’t stop. It’s not that I wanna be nasty towards my fans, it’s just they frustrate me and aren’t really supportive in a hard time of my life. They keep calling Ella all these names she’s not and it does hurt but what can I really do about it? Nothing. There’s nothing I can do”

“Micky, I know you can’t do anything but block it out, don’t let it hurt you. It’s not as if they’d say it to Ella’s face, they’d be too frightened to. We also know you’re scared to open up to us all but we are there if you ever just need to rant and rave, you’re my best friend just like Ella is and just like Maria and Rachel sort of are. We’ll listen no matter what but I best get home to Shannon so I’ll see you later”

“Bye Lottie” I said quietly as I settled down on Ella’s bed.

   I was laid here for a little bit longer when Ben walked in. He looked pretty scared and roughed up. I would’ve laughed at what his face looked like but he looked pretty shaken up.

“What’s up?”

“I went to Rachel’s parents’ house to ask them to you know but then her dad threatened me. Told me I was a mistake for his daughter and that I’m too young and so on”

Together Again - District3 - Micky ParsonsWhere stories live. Discover now