Part 9

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Part 9: -

Ella’s POV

The boys have been gone for 2 weeks now and Micky hasn’t even text me since the day they’d left.  I thought we were getting closer with each other but obviously not. I thought the little heart to heart would’ve brought us back together, maybe I’d just hoped for too much. After all, I am just a silly pathetic little girl. I did watch their twit cam they had later that night and he was happy but I wasn’t for some strange reason. I always loved seeing Micky happy because it made me happy but the twit cam that night, I just wasn’t happy. Am I delusional? Like seriously, am I? Oh and to top things all off, I kissed William. I don’t know what came over me when I kissed him but I just did. It felt right at the time too. I am so weird.

    Lottie and I were sat in my living room munching away on some cheesy Doritos and some Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, I was a sucker for baked Alaska, they were good. We were having a boy free weekend. I have to admit, it was quite good. I started my second round of treatment on Monday and I was quite scared.

 “Boys are idiots. Like seriously who kisses someone and then doesn’t have the audacity to text them or ask them out” Lottie moaned. Dan still hadn’t asked her out or text her. I get that they will be busy but they could’ve at least given us a text or something. It’s a weird thing.

“I know Lottie but boys they are idiots. The night Micky left, Alex was stood at my door, waiting for me. He begun saying about our ‘distant’ friendship. Wait, you didn’t know that did you?”

“Know about what? Your friendship with Alex? Of course I knew, his family house has pictures of you and him together pinned up on the wall. You were actually quite a cute baby” Lottie admitted. Oh god. Why would your keep them pictures especially when you, ugh! This is seriously embarrassing.

“That is embarrassing. I swear, I’m for going round to his house and threatening his parents to take them down, we aren’t friends anymore so why would they keep them? I get that Alex is in them but honestly? It’s embarrassing”

“El, don’t worry about them. I’m pretty sure Alex will have already done it. After all he is a mad man at times”

“Oh I know, believe me I do but the pictures are embarrassing, it really does show we were friends and that’s something I want to forget”

“Ella, it’s your childhood. Don’t forget it, even if it is with the wrong person. It’s like you said about Shannon, I don’t regret her but she was with the wrong person and the only reason Alex stuck around was because I was pregnant, once Shannon was out, he couldn’t give a damn. Ella, just be careful, Alex is capable of many things. Keep yourself safe and him away from you”

“I know but when we live in the same town as him, it’s kind of hard. William’s friends with him, slightly. Speaking of William, I have news to spill” I ranted. Alex peed me off something major.  He was an ass, a major one. There was no denying that he was a man whore too but I don’t know anymore. I always seem to remember the sweet kid from childhood, I don’t know what happened to him. He just disappeared. Everyone’s disappearing on me.

“Hey guys” My other best friend Maria said while plopping down on the spare armchair. Wait, why the hell is she awake? It’s only 11am, she should be sleeping.

“Shouldn’t you be sleeping Maria? It is only 11am” Lottie asked Maria. We were all best friends but sometimes Lottie and Maria didn’t get on. They had a love-hate relationship, it was never good.

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