important note.

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On the note of the announcement for part 2 or Runaway;

So, as you've all probably gathered, after i re work the entirety of the prison escape, lol, part 2 is basically going to be a total overhaul of Reconnected. A complete alternate timeline thats actually (hopefully) going to be good, if you will.

Actually, if I stay dedicated enough to finish it (which I'm sure I will, I already have an 'ultimate ending' in mind), I might straight up delete Reconnected. Or at least private it.

BUT! on that note, I wanted to let everyone know something very important concerning part 2 that will play a big role in the story (and is why instead of B, the "antagonist" POV will be taken by Misa and not Light).

I have gotten over my internalized misogynistic hatred of Misa Misa.

Ive said this before and ill say it again;

Back when I wrote Reconnected, I was an edgy and unpopular 14 year old with some massive unresolved insecurity problems (and was also a big ol closeted queer), and as a result, I took it out on other women instead of fucking looking inside myself and dealing with it in a healthy way.

I was a total pick-me that for some reason had a problem with the "hot blonde" stereotype, and bashed other women to make myself feel better.

It absolutely reflected in my writing, and it was as simple and petty as that.

I am not proud of it, especially seeing that the majority of my audience is around the same age i was back then. To be honest, the way I wrote (y/n) in Reconnected is exactly why I've grown to dislike it so much over the years - going so far as to actively try and deter readers, lol. I've grown into an adult and as a person, and while the girl that wrote Reconnected is who I was, I have done a lot of reflecting to distance myself from that mindset - ESPECIALLY artistically.

(Not to mention...I had legit ZERO experience with real romantic relationships at that age, making Reconnected a bad/unhealthy representation in more ways than one.)

You and Misa are going to be good friends this time around :) and actually, she is going to be a VERY important peice in how I'm planning the story arcs. Legit NONE of my plans would work without her!

Just letting you know I'm going to do better, and write relationships and characters in the most three-dimensional authentic way I can to craft a good story. I want things to be for a NARRIATIVE purpose, not just having her around to use the poor thing as "authors insecurity punching bag".

And I really tried to make motivations make sense and the romance more realistic in Runaway (you know, despite B's antics). I hope I did a decent job in draft 1.

Thanks so much for reading, and I'll see everyone in part 2!

....eventually. yall know me at this point.

But this whole story is a big passion project of mine, and I haven't lost the desire to write, I'm just slow af and juggle a day job/other art projects. lmfao.

With love,



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